Subject: Answering YOUR questions 💪🍴💥

Answering YOUR questions 💪🍴💥

November 9th, 2018 at 12:56 pm NDT

Hey Friend, It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and I want to send you a heads up that later today I'll be hosting a LIVE Total Fitness Bodybuilding Video Q A at 3:30 pm EST. So if you need ...

Baby Aspirin = Six Pack Abs?

November 7th, 2018 at 12:47 pm NDT

Warning: The following strategies are highly controversial. Hey Friend, Did you know that chewing up a baby aspirin can help you burn fat? Or that red licorice can actually boost your metabolism by 37%? Or that chewing nicotine gum forces your bod ...

is your waist over 35 inches? ...if so read this

November 6th, 2018 at 10:21 am NDT

Hey Friend, If you've been fighting the "battle of the bulge" around the waist line (and losing that battle), then unfortunately I have some bad news for you... Did you know that every extra inch of extra belly fat you gain actually LOWERS your tes ...

2 "must do" shoulder stabilization exercises 👍

November 5th, 2018 at 6:56 am NDT

Hey Friend, I always like to start my workouts with some shoulder mobility exercises to warm up the entire shoulder complex, increase flexibility, and help reduce risk of injury. And this past weekend I had the privilege to train with strength and ...

can't lose fat with "low carbs"? Try This... 🔥

October 31st, 2018 at 5:17 am NDT

Hey Friend, Do any of the following statements sound like something you've tried within the last 6 months? eating under 2,000 calories a day for weeks but can't seem to lose body fat...cut your carb intake because you heard that carbs are the reas ...

3 reasons you can't burn fat

October 29th, 2018 at 10:47 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Don't follow another fat-loss program until you've read everything I'm about to share with you... If you're struggling to burn belly fat no matter how much cardio you do or how "clean" you eat, then listen up... Because you're likely co ...

the WORST time to eat for fat loss

October 28th, 2018 at 6:37 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Do any of the following statements sound like something you've tried within the last 6 months? eating under 2,000 calories a day for weeks but can't seem to lose body fat...sliced your carb intake because you heard that carbs are the r ...

Answering YOUR questions

October 26th, 2018 at 2:40 pm NDT

Hey Friend, How's it going? I'm just on my way out the door heading to the gym for a quick workout, but I wanted to send you a heads up that in a couple hours I'll be hosting a LIVE Total Fitness Bodybuilding Video Q A at 3:30 pm EST. https://www. ...

📱Apple or Android ?

October 24th, 2018 at 12:33 am NDT

Hey Friend, What kind of smart phone do you have? If it's an Apple or an Android, then you're in luck because you can download the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Workout App! The Total Fitness Bodybuilding App is like having your very own Personal Trai ...

no motivation to workout...

October 21st, 2018 at 12:44 pm NDT

Hey Friend, If you struggle with finding the motivation to workout and eat right, than you need to check this out... During last Friday's Total Fitness Bodybuilding Live Video Chat we went deep into discussing the mental Bull Sh!t and lies that we ke ...

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