Subject: Success 🔥

Success 🔥

January 6th, 2019 at 1:43 pm NDT

Hey Friend, I've got a question for you... What does success mean to you? One thing I've noticed a lot from studying "successful" people is that many of them are successful and do really well in one area of their life, but then fall shoulder in ano ...

Self Confidence

January 5th, 2019 at 4:24 pm NDT

Hey Friend, One of the main reasons guys get involved with bodybuilding and fitness in the first place is to increase their self confidence and build high self-esteem. That's what drew me to weight training at an early age. I can remember getting bul ...

How to workout your "money-making muscles"

January 3rd, 2019 at 3:42 pm NDT

Hey Friend, In my emails, you and I talk a lot about lifting and building muscle. But there is one muscle we don't talk about enough. Any idea? You guessed it. That's our money-making muscles! You see. A lot guys think you're either good at making ...

More Than Muscle - new video series

January 2nd, 2019 at 1:41 pm NDT

Hey Friend, I just posted the first video in my new playlist series called "More Than Muscle" This was requested by many of my subscribers who wanted to discuss topics beyond just fitness and nutrition. So this video series will cover how you can b ...

Do This to start your New Year Off Right

January 1st, 2019 at 2:29 pm NDT

Welcome to 2019 Friend, each new year brings about a chance for a fresh start... Are you excited about making the most of the year ahead? I hope so... you should be! But I've got to ask you a question... How was the past year for you? Did it turn ou ...

Why I hate New Years Resolutions... 😤

December 29th, 2018 at 10:29 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Here we are, just a couple days away from 2019 and along with that comes "New Years Resolutions". Now I don't know about you, But I hate New Year's Resolutions... First off, the success rate for most New Year's Resolutions suck! I mean i ...

Livestream video Q & A today

December 28th, 2018 at 2:03 pm NDT

Hey Friend, It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and today at 3:30 pm EST I'm going to be hosting a Live Video Q A on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube channel... I'll be hanging out for an hour ...

Merry Christmas from the Hayward's 🎄

December 25th, 2018 at 5:26 pm NDT

Hey Friend,Merry Christmas Total Fitness Bodybuilders! It's been an honor and a pleasure to help with your bodybuilding, health, and fitness goals over the past year. And I hope to continue doing so for many more years to come. Here's a family pictur ...

3 words that are holding you back...

December 20th, 2018 at 2:13 pm NDT

Hey Friend, There are 3 words that you're probably saying to yourself (subconsciously) that are literally holding you back and preventing you from reaching your goals. This could be bodybuilding and fitness goals, personal goals, or even financial an ...

How To Gain 1" on Your Forearms in just 90 Days!

December 17th, 2018 at 11:36 am NDT

Hey Friend, Do you focus on training your foreams in your workouts? More often than not the forearms are a neglected muscle group in most training programs. If they get worked at all, it's usually nothing more then a couple sets of wrist curls at th ...

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