Subject: 💪 Realistic Muscle Gains - how much muscle can you gain in 1 year?

💪 Realistic Muscle Gains - how much muscle can you gain in 1 year?

December 15th, 2018 at 5:09 pm NDT

Hey Friend, How Much Muscle Can You Build Naturally In 1 Year? That's a common question that every bodybuilding beginner would like to know... Unfortunately there is no "One Size Fits All" answer to this question because how fast you gain muscle dep ...

Try this for INSTANT Back Pain Relief

December 15th, 2018 at 4:59 pm NDT

Hey Friend, 31 million Americans suffer with low back pain.80% of people with back pain say it keeps them up at night 35% of people with back pain say they experience less sexual enjoyment. And 20% of Americans have had to make major lifestyle chan ...

Do You Need CARDIO To Lose Fat? (the truth)

December 12th, 2018 at 8:03 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Should you do cardio when you want to lose weight and get lean? Well it depends on your individual situation and body type. You're going to hear mixed reviews and opinions on whether or not you should do cardio for fat loss. Some tra ...

Put Your Spine Back Into Perfect Alignment

December 10th, 2018 at 12:09 pm NDT

Hey Friend, 31 million Americans suffer with low back pain.80% of people with back pain say it keeps them up at night 35% of people with back pain say they experience less sexual enjoyment. And 20% of Americans have had to make major lifestyle chan ...

Livestream video Q & A today

December 7th, 2018 at 2:31 pm NDT

Hey Friend, It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and today at 3:30 pm EST I'm going to be hosting a Live Video Q A on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube channel... I'll be hanging out for an hour ...

The "Secret" to Success in bodybuilding and life (my untold story)

December 6th, 2018 at 11:09 am NDT

Hey Friend, Everyone wants to know the secret to being successful... Whether that's in business, building the body you want, getting the girl, winning in sports, or whatever it is that you're trying to achieve. The more you study this, the more you'l ...

The "Multi-Poundage System" - workout from 1947

December 1st, 2018 at 8:52 am NDT

Hey Friend, Back in 1947 Henry Atkins, who was the editor of Body Culture Magazine, first documented a very effective workout training technique that he referred to as the "Multi-Poundage System". These days we typically refer to this training techn ...

Building Muscle After 40 (progress pics)

November 29th, 2018 at 3:25 pm NDT

Hey Friend, If there's one thing that's guaranteed to put a smile on my face and brighten my day, it's when I get to hear about success stories from my online followers. When I get to see progress pictures and hear about the positive impact that fo ...

Home Gym vs Commercial Gym (what's better?)

November 27th, 2018 at 1:20 pm NDT

Hey Friend, It was 28 years ago, back in 1990, when I asked my parents if they would get me a home gym weight set for Christmas so that I could workout and get big. I can still remember how excited I was Christmas morning when I woke up and saw the ...

Last Day - only 5 spots left

November 26th, 2018 at 12:44 pm NDT

Hey Friend, This weekend I've put out an invitation to men approaching, or over the age of 40... who have put their goals and health on the back-burner for far too long. And are sick and tired of watching their body go to hell while the young guys ta ...

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