Subject: If you want muscle, you should grab this free report...

If you want muscle, you should grab this free report...

January 24th, 2011 at 7:27 pm EDT

From Nick Nilsson Author and Publisher of BetterU News Hey, got a very good free report for you here from my friends Mike Westerdal and Elliott Hulse called "The Muscle Shifting Doctrine." This is all about building mus ...

What do pro athletes know about fat loss?

January 24th, 2011 at 10:30 am EDT

From Nick Nilsson Author and Publisher of BetterU News The answer depends... And what does it depend on? Well, quite often it depends on the quality of trainer that professional athlete is working with! Pro ...

Jan 22nd - Calf Step-Forwards

January 22nd, 2011 at 11:16 am EDT

Hello! I've got today's update to the site ready for you... Calf Step-Forwards Posted January 22nd, 2010 This exercise basically loads the walking movement (and exagerrates the contribution of the calves) to provide resistance on a very functiona ...

Get rid of your "pooch" belly with this easy exercise...

January 20th, 2011 at 2:08 pm EDT

From Nick Nilsson Author and Publisher of BetterU News Yeah, I didn't think I'd EVER use that phrase in a sentence but that's how everybody knows that problem area by...the pooch is the bulging lower abdominal area that ...

Jan 20th - Lying Lower Ab Short Raises - Flatten Your Pooch Belly...

January 20th, 2011 at 1:22 pm EDT

Hello! I've got today's update to the site ready for you... Lying Lower Ab Short Raises - Flatten Your Pooch Belly... Posted January 20th, 2010 Yeah, I didn't think I'd EVER use that word in a sentence but that's how everybody knows that problem a ...

How to "kill" your fat...the #1 rule to follow

January 19th, 2011 at 7:37 pm EDT

From Nick Nilsson Author and Publisher of BetterU News Hey, got a good video presention here for you from the same guy, Anthony Alayon, who brought you those free reports I sent along the other day (link at the bottom, ...

Jan 18th - 2 Up 1 Down Partial Bench Press Negatives

January 18th, 2011 at 1:42 pm EDT

Hello! I've got today's update to the site ready for you... 2 Up 1 Down Partial Bench Press Negatives Posted January 18th, 2010 This is a nice chest training technique for doing negative reps without a training partner. By going two arms up then l ...

Some good, solid fat-loss info for you...on the house ;)

January 17th, 2011 at 12:45 pm EDT

From Nick Nilsson Author and Publisher of BetterU News So obviously this time of year is "New Years Resolution" time...and if you go to gym, you are no doubt finding yourself swamped by a deluge of "resolutioners"... ...

Jan 16th - Half-Range Rest-Pause Bench Press

January 16th, 2011 at 8:00 am EDT

Hello! I've got today's update to the site ready for you... Half-Range Rest-Pause Bench Press Posted January 16th, 2010 Working in a partial range doesn't mean you're cheating...especially when done with the purpose of making the training harder ...

A warm-up trick for increasing your bench press INSTANTLY...

January 14th, 2011 at 10:29 am EDT

From Nick Nilsson Author and Publisher of BetterU News Hey, got a good one for you here if you're interested in increasing your bench press pretty much INSTANTLY...yeah, I figured you wouldn't want THAT... ;) This is a ...

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