Subject: 40% Off Lost Empire Herbs... (great products)

40% Off Lost Empire Herbs... (great products)

November 4th, 2019 at 4:05 pm EDT

Hey, just wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that select products from Lost Empire Herbs (my favorite online herbal supplement store) are on sale for 40% off right now. This sale will be expiring TONIGHT, so if you want to either ...

A chin-up technique that will PUMP your lats...

November 3rd, 2019 at 3:31 pm EDT

The Chin-Up is a classic back of the best overall exercises you can do for ANY bodypart. I've got an amazing technique that's going to help you squeeze even MORE results out your chin-up training, targeting each of the three maj ...

4 exercises that WON'T get you more pull-ups...

November 2nd, 2019 at 2:34 pm EDT

If you want to get more pull-ups...or get your FIRST pull-up, you're likely performing exercises that you think will help. And it's also likely these exercises are NOT helping. Here are 4 common ones... Exercise 1 - Lat Pul ...

Vegan protein powder...good or no?

November 1st, 2019 at 5:15 pm EDT

So a few weeks ago, I was approached by a company asking me to test out their new vegan protein called Battle Ready Fuel. Here's what it looks like: I said, absolutely. I always interested in testing out new supplements. And wi ...

Oct 31st - Hip-Braced Spinal Extensions

October 31st, 2019 at 3:07 pm EDT

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Hip-Braced Spinal Extensions Posted October 31st, 2019 Bulletproof your lower back with targeted training for the small, stabilizing muscles of your spine. This simple back extension variation will allo ...

Lower back "secret weapon" exercise

October 31st, 2019 at 2:59 pm EDT

In order to prevent lower back pain and potential lower back injury (and increase your training longevity), direct training for your lower back in a variety of positions...including rounded incredibly beneficial. And yes, that soun ...

2 ADVANCED pull-up variations to test yourself with...

October 30th, 2019 at 11:36 am EDT

I'm not kidding when I say these are'll need to be strong enough to do at least 10 or more regular pull-ups to attempt these. The first is a pull-up that also targets the hamstrings... Yes, you read that right. ...

How to CRUSH pull-ups...or get your FIRST pull-up

October 29th, 2019 at 12:57 pm EDT

If you want to become a legit EXPERT on pull-ups, you're going to want to check this out. What I'm talking about is something called "The Ultimate Pull-Up Program" by strength coach, author and fellow Canadian, Meghan Callaway. It's ...

Lateral raise trick to DOUBLE their effectiveness...

October 28th, 2019 at 4:39 pm EDT

Want wider-looking shoulders? Then you need Lateral Raises to develop the side head of the delts. The problem is many people find their traps have a tendency to take over the movement every time they do a raise, shortchanging the side delts ...

"What exercises can I do to grow taller?"

October 27th, 2019 at 11:56 am EDT

I actually get this question quite a lot! Is it possible to grow taller through exercise? And the answer is sort of. If you're past your teenage years, you're not going to structurally grow any taller, no matter what kind o ...

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