Subject: 9 tricks to feel your pecs working...

9 tricks to feel your pecs working...

November 14th, 2019 at 7:02 am EDT

...when training chest. Do you have a problem feeling your pecs working when you train chest? When you can't feel the pecs working, you know darn well that actual muscle development is simply NOT going to happen. Here are 9 ...

#1 exercise for a flatter stomach is...

November 13th, 2019 at 6:20 am EDT

...NOT crunches. In fact, crunches are the LAST exercise you should do if you want a flatter stomach. Quick question for you... If I were to give you an ACE bandage, and ask... how you would wrap that around your waist to make your ...

The REAL trick to flattening your stomach...

November 12th, 2019 at 6:46 am EDT

It's NOT doing fact, crunches are the LAST exercise you should do if you want a flatter stomach. Quick question for you... If I were to give you an ACE bandage, and ask... how you would wrap that around your waist to m ...

You can directly help a Vet with PTSD...for real.

November 11th, 2019 at 7:16 am EDT

Thank you for your service. I recently read an article that about 50% of veterans actually don't like it when they hear this from people...not because they don't appreciate the sentiment but because they don't know how to respond to it. ...

Weird anti-aging bodyweight exercise...

November 10th, 2019 at 8:09 am EDT

This is one that I actually do with weights...yet it's extremely effective when done with bodyweight only. Here's what it looks like: As you can's very simple...crawling. The movement itself activates alm ...

6 killer power rack exercises...

November 9th, 2019 at 1:56 pm EDT

The power rack is the single most versatile piece of equipment you have in the gym...home gym or regular gym. You can do SO much more than just squats in it. Click here to check out 6 killer exercises that you can do with a rack... ...

Death by squats...

November 8th, 2019 at 2:45 pm EDT

Seriously, if you love to squat, you're going to REALLY love this workout... or really hate it...(we'll see which...). This workout takes the "up-and-down-the-rack" concept and applies it to Anderson Squats (a.k.a. bottom-start squats or pin ...

Best fruit to eat before bed...

November 7th, 2019 at 6:59 am EDT

Did you know eating fruit before bed is one of the best natural solutions for reducing inflammation and joint pain? For example, Harvard s Dr. Frank Hu says blueberries are high in natural antioxidants proven to fight off inflammation...ea ...

MONSTER forearm pump with this new exercise...

November 6th, 2019 at 3:21 pm EDT

This one is downright NASTY...literally the single best forearm exercise I've ever done. The pump I get in my forearms every single time I do this one is absolutely ridiculous. I've actually been leaving the bar set up and loaded so that I c ...

Eating THIS tanks your testosterone levels...

November 5th, 2019 at 3:27 pm EDT

It seems like the modern world is specifically geared to DESTROY our testosterone levels. Here's what I'm talking about... 1. The products you put on your body can tank your T levels. If you use shampoo and soap with certai ...

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