Subject: The FIX for your inflammation...

The FIX for your inflammation...

July 5th, 2019 at 12:25 pm EDT

We're all dealing with inflammation in some way, shape of form. When you get injured, your body gets acute inflammation as part of the healing process...we've all experienced that. However, when you're NOT in an injured state, and you'v ...

A 30% gain in strength from ONE workout?

July 4th, 2019 at 12:04 pm EDT

Ok, this is a training technique you're going to seriously have to see (and try for yourself) to believe. The very first time I used it, I was just blown away... ...a 30% gain in strength from ONE workout. Now, yes, I realize ful ...

"Skynet" for MASS is here...

July 3rd, 2019 at 11:31 am EDT

If you've watched any of the Terminator movies, you know that Skynet is the AI (Artificial Intelligence) that tries to destroy humanity with nuclear weapons...then Terminators. That, of course, is not good. However, what i ...

Activate your "primal anabolic drive"...

July 2nd, 2019 at 11:32 am EDT

...and build muscle and strength AUTOMATICALLY Because when you know how to properly CONTROL and HARNESS the overtraining process, your body has no choice but to build muscle. You see, overtraining is not necessarily bad... ...

Got hunched shoulders? DO THIS EXERCISE...

July 1st, 2019 at 4:48 pm EDT

It directly targets the postural muscles that help pull your shoulders back into alignment. This is a great exercise for working the small, postural muscles of the upper back that get easily overwhelmed when using heavier weights on rows and ...

Tighten your waist with this DEADLIFT exercise...

June 30th, 2019 at 1:30 pm EDT

This one works the side abdominal wall (under the love handles) in a MUCH safer and more effective way than side bends. And honestly, the dumbbell side bend is one exercise I NEVER recommend to people anyway as it can overdevelop the oblique ...

New book for you! The Best Landmine Exercises

June 30th, 2019 at 1:05 pm EDT

I just finished putting together a new exercise book on Landmine training. Now, this one I originally created as a bonus for a program called the Ultimate Landmine Program. And while I created The Best Landmine Exercises You've Neve ...

Carve a horseshoe into your triceps...

June 29th, 2019 at 1:57 pm EDT a good way. And yes, there IS a good way...and it's going to carve a killer horeshoe into the back of your arm. The exercise is a simple Landmine Kickback...and when you do it, the focus is entirely on the contracted position. ...

The best Landmine training resource I've ever seen

June 27th, 2019 at 3:03 pm EDT

That's a weird way to use barbell...but it looks just awesome! I can remember somebody saying that to me the first time I did a landmine exercise (this was at a regular commercial gym, before I trained at home). This was about 25 y ...

Garage Gym Summit [closing]

June 26th, 2019 at 11:34 am EDT

Wanted to send one final reminder on the free Garage Gym Summit. If you train at home (garage, basement, etc.) or in a smaller or often-crowded gym and want to... - Shred fat - Gain strength - Gai ...

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