Subject: SCORCH stubborn bodyfat right off yourself with this workout...

SCORCH stubborn bodyfat right off yourself with this workout...

September 28th, 2017 at 1:56 pm EDT

In a good way, of course... ;) Basically, though, if you want to burn fat (and build muscle!), do Lactic Acid Training...simple as that. Lactic Acid Training is essentially what it sounds for the purpose of cranking u ...

The biggest LIE about pull-up training...

September 27th, 2017 at 3:06 pm EDT

Here it is...if you want to get better at pull-ups, just do more pull-ups. On the surface, this sounds perfectly reasonable, right? If you want to get better at something, just do more of it, right? And ...

Do more pull-ups... 3 training strategies to get it done...

September 26th, 2017 at 5:33 pm EDT

Pull-ups are one of THE best upper body exercises you can do... straight up. So imagine stepping up to the bar, grabbing it, then cranking out 10, 15, or even 20 or more QUALITY reps without even breaking a sweat. ...

Sept 25th - Total Body + Core Fat-Loss Circuit Workout

September 25th, 2017 at 5:37 pm EDT

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Total Body + Core Fat-Loss Circuit Posted Septemer 25th, 2017 This 3-exercise non-stop circuit is designed to hit every major muscle group in your body with a specific focus on your core. You'll constantly ...

"Total Body + Core" fat-loss circuit workout...

September 25th, 2017 at 5:08 pm EDT

This is a really good's a 3-exercise circuit that covers all your major muscle groups (with a special focus on your core) in one time-efficient workout. Each of these exercises works a very different set of primary m ...

The KEY to long-term, "never-gain-it-back" fat-loss...

September 24th, 2017 at 1:51 pm EDT

Why is it that 99% of people who lose a large amount of fat always seem to gain it back again? What s so hard about sustaining fat loss long-term? The answer lies in the brain ...

Awesome "shrink wrap" waist-tightening exercise...

September 23rd, 2017 at 3:28 pm EDT

This combination exercise is literally one of THE best waist-tightening exercises I've EVER found. After completing your first set, you will actually FEEL the muscles in your waist pulling inwards and tightening like shrink wr ...

Crank up your testosterone levels with this new "pre-bed" shake...

September 22nd, 2017 at 3:01 pm EDT

Sleep should be anabolic, not catabolic. Sleep is when your muscles recover and grow. And if your sleep quality sucks, you are absolutely shortchanging yourself in the muscle growth, strength and fat loss departments.. ...

Is "brain chatter" keeping you from falling asleep? Try this...

September 21st, 2017 at 1:19 pm EDT

Sleep is INCREDIBLY important...for health in general and for building muscle and losing fat. In fact, one of the fastest ways to improve your results in the gym is not a fancy supplement or new's to get some dang sleep! ...

Sept 20th - Front Squat Elbow Blocking for a bigger, better lift

September 20th, 2017 at 6:26 pm EDT

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Front Squat Elbow Blocking Posted Septemer 20th, 2017 If your Front Squat has issues, you'll love this technique. You'll be using another to block your elbows from tipping down at the point where that is m ...

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