Subject: A RUNNING method that builds muscle...

A RUNNING method that builds muscle...

October 17th, 2017 at 7:37 am EDT

It's all in HOW you do it... When you think of running, the first thing that pops into your head is probably testosterone-destroying, steady-state jogging style running. That's not the kind of running I'm talking about. ...

Breathe BACKWARDS during back training...

October 16th, 2017 at 4:19 pm EDT

In general, the proper way to breathe during a set is to inhale during the negative (lowering) phase and exhale during the positive (lifting) phase. But is this the best way to breathe in all exercises? As a matter of fact, it ...

The Inside Out Core Crusher...(circuit workout)

October 15th, 2017 at 4:10 pm EDT

The workout is called the Inside Out Core Crusher...and you know with a name like that, I'm not joking around. The Inside Out Core Crusher is a KILLER circuit put together specifically to target the core...without using a single actual AB ...

9 tricks to feel your pecs working when training chest...

October 14th, 2017 at 6:33 pm EDT

Do you have a problem feeling your pecs working when you train chest? When you can't feel the pecs working, you know darn well that actual muscle development is simply NOT going to happen. Here are 9 techniques and exercises t ... it useless or actually good for you?

October 13th, 2017 at 6:37 pm EDT

This is a question that I get quite a lot and honestly, my answer is that "it depends". I know that sounds like a copout, but it's really the only answer...cardio is a tool in your training's good for some things and not good ...

Is Cardio useless or a life-saving exercise?

October 12th, 2017 at 8:12 am EDT it useless or actually good for you? This is question that I get quite a lot and honestly, my answer is that it depends . I know that sounds like a copout, but it's really the only answer...cardio is a tool in your ...

Oct 11 - Crook Squats for the Legs, Core, Shoulders and Upper Back

October 11th, 2017 at 10:35 pm EDT

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Crook Squats Posted October 11th, 2017 This is an amazing exercise, similar to Goblet Squats, for working the legs, core, shoulders and upper back. It utilizes a unique method for carrying a pair of dumbbe ...

Crook Squats... (INSANE new leg, core and upper back exercise)

October 11th, 2017 at 10:21 pm EDT

I fully realize this exercise looks absolutely insane. And it's INCREDIBLY tough and effective. Now, even though I call it a Crook Squat this is not related to a Prisoner Squat. This one would be comparable to a Go ...

How to defend against a "haymaker" punch...

October 10th, 2017 at 1:54 pm EDT

So yesterday, I sent you an email about an excellent self-defence program called "First Strike" from my friend and colleague (and former SpecOps and SWAT leader), Todd Lamb. As I said then, I know it's not something I normally write you a ...

Special Forces Fight Training (Adapted For Civilians)

October 9th, 2017 at 2:25 pm EDT

Now, I know this is quite a bit different than the exercise and training stuff that I normally post, but I thought this was important for you to hear about. This is about defending your family and yourself when things go bad. Look, you never know ...

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