Subject: Hit a rut? Try these 5 new bodyweight moves…

Hit a rut? Try these 5 new bodyweight moves…

August 30th, 2014 at 9:19 pm EDT

I've got something very cool for you here today FIVE unique new bodyweight exercises that will solve one of the MAJOR problems you might have with bodyweight training lack of training variety. Because we both know that when your body gets too used to ...

(this works) My easy trick for a flatter stomach in 30 seconds...

August 29th, 2014 at 5:53 pm EDT

And yes, I know this sounds too good to be true in this case, it s actually NOT! Because you CAN get a flatter stomach (and even improve your back pain!) in just 30 seconds when you know this very si ...

My easy trick for a flatter stomach in 30 seconds...(this WORKS)

August 29th, 2014 at 5:51 pm EDT

And yes, I know this sounds too good to be true in this case, it s actually NOT! Because you CAN get a flatter stomach (and even improve your back pain!) in just 30 seconds when you know th ...

10 surefire ways to STAY skinny!

August 28th, 2014 at 8:48 am EDT

After working with teenage skinny guys for years, I've got a solid handle on what mistakes to avoid if you want to gain more muscle this year. Here we go: 1. Not establishing a specific and measurable goal with a time-limit. ...

BEST bicep exercise EVER...(for real, if you want big arms, read this)

August 27th, 2014 at 6:41 pm EDT

I call it the Nilsson Curl... And yeah, I named it after myself because it really exemplifies what I'm all about... it's completely opposite to what you're suppo ...

My very BEST bicep exercise EVER...(seriously, if you want big arms, read this)

August 27th, 2014 at 6:16 pm EDT

I call it the Nilsson Curl... And yeah, I named it after myself because it really exemplifies what I'm all about... it's completely opposite to wha ...

CRANK up your metabolism with this workout...(399 calories in 30 minutes)

August 26th, 2014 at 8:07 pm EDT

Now I'll be straight up...ordinarily, I don't really care about the number of calories burned in a workout. It's about the calories you burn AFTER that are the most important for fat-loss. This workout, however, burns those 399 calories AND gives you ...

My "ice bucket" challenge...using a 5 gallon bucket of white paint...

August 26th, 2014 at 5:05 pm EDT

I'm not one to follow instructions... So when I was challenged to do that ice bucket challenge to support ALS, I immediately thought... what can I do to take this to the next level. That was when I decide ...

How you can get even STRONGER at chin-ups...

August 25th, 2014 at 4:41 pm EDT

If you can do more than 10 bodyweight chin-ups, if you want to keep progressing in mass and strength, you need to start adding weight. There are several ways to do this...hanging plates from your waist via a belt, ...

How to get even STRONGER at chin-ups...

August 25th, 2014 at 4:38 pm EDT

If you can do more than 10 bodyweight chin-ups, if you want to keep progressing in mass and strength, you need to start adding weight. There are several ways to do this...hanging plates from your waist via a belt, wearing a weighted vest, or sett ...

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