Subject: How a client scammed me out of $4k

How a client scammed me out of $4k

November 21st, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

Friend, Here's a little story of how I made a client more money in 2 weeks than he made in 3 months.. and didn't make a penny. In early April I started working with a clothing company on a rev share deal. Communications were great at first, and every ...

The easiest way to ruin your morning productivity

November 14th, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

Friend, I thought I'd let you in on a little secret about morning routines... 99% of them are absolute bullshit. Nonsense spread by Gurus so you buy their products and courses. This is something I really wish I knew when I first started. The reality ...

3 things I learned wining a BJJ tournament

November 7th, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

Friend, This weekend I won my first Brazillian Jiu Jitsu Competition. I've been training (with a few COVID breaks) for about two years and honestly, it's changed my life. I've learned more about myself on the mats in 18 months than I did spending 3 y ...

Are you a drifter?

October 31st, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

Friend, This weekend I had the pleasure of listening to Outwitting The Devil byNapoleon Hill while on a 3 hour long walk (gotta get those steps in). After reflecting on the book I realised just how much it applies to most of the world. And at one poi ...

Your secret to scaling is...

October 24th, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

Friend, Are you struggling to scale your business? Have you taken advice from every guru out there? Are you working daily but you can't hit your goals? If yes, you're likely missing one thing... Leverage. You see, most people make the same mistake. T ...

Struggle with confidence? This emails for you

October 17th, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

Friend, I see a lot of copywriters struggle when it comes to landing clients. Not because they’re bad copywriters... But because they lack the confidence to close on calls. They say a price, justify it for 5 minutes... And lose the sale in the proc ...

Use these tips to avoid bad clients

October 10th, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

They'll save you a few headaches... View onlineFriend, For every 10 good clients, you'll have one that's an absolute nightmare. You know, those clients who message you 24/7 expect 10 revisions and constantly interfere with everything you write? We'v ...

3 cold email mistakes you're making (And how to fix them)

October 3rd, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

View onlineFriend, As a copywriter outreach is a constant battle you need to fight. You may be an expert, but if nobody knows about your services you're stuck in the mud. This is where cold email comes into play. It's historically proven to be the be ...

Why you need to take writing breaks

September 26th, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

Friend, I have a confession... Over the past few weeks I've been a little burnt out. Motivation has been low and ideas have been few far between. Luckily I had a small break pre-planned. And this morning I woke up to this view.Pretty stunning, right? ...

Is scarcity overused in copy?

September 19th, 2022 at 5:00 pm BST

View onlineFriend, You're not a copywriter if you've never used scarcity in your writing. It's used by new copywriters right up to the guys at the top. But is it overused? Consumers are starting to become a little skeptical of scarcity tactics. On bo ...