Subject: A natural pre-workout supplement inspired by Jack3d...

A natural pre-workout supplement inspired by Jack3d...

July 16th, 2024 at 3:41 pm EDT

Now, if you're not familiar with it, Jack3d was a pre-workout supplement that was popular about 10 years ago... ...until one of the primary ingredients (DMAA) was banned by the FDA for being dangerous (including seizures and heart failure). ...

AMAZING hand and grip strength work using a a very weird way...

July 15th, 2024 at 3:21 pm EDT

Instead of using a kettlebell as resistance, you're going to use a kettlebell as apparatus... ...specifically as a big, round, bulbous cable handle for pulldowns or pushdowns. This open hand position works grip and hand strength extr ...

This stuff turned off my injury pain flipping a switch

July 14th, 2024 at 6:50 am EDT

So... I decided to challenge myself. I wanted to see how far I could carry my bodyweight on my back (in straight bar barbell form) before I had to stop. If you've ever heard of the Inman Mile, I was doing a test run to see where I sto ...

This stubborn fat loss workout will burn your legs to cinders...

July 13th, 2024 at 2:31 pm EDT

This workout is, quite simply, going to burn your legs to the name says! The goal is here is maximum lactic acid/lactate generation (which is effective for GH release, which is effective for accessing stubborn fat stores) while ...

What happened when I put vegan "cheese" on meatballs?...

July 12th, 2024 at 3:16 pm EDT

Well... they didn't behave like matter and anti-matter... no wormholes were created... it actually was delicious.... Because the vegan cheese I put on the meatballs was this stuff... It wasn't fake cheese trying to be's a ...

Maximize upper chest growth with Triple Stability Drop Sets...

July 11th, 2024 at 1:08 pm EDT

If you have a hard time building your upper chest, this is a killer method that will give you 3 chances in each set to maximize growth stimulation. You'll be working from the least stable to the most stable versions of the Incline Press. ...

ACTIVATE your muscles or they won't grow...

July 10th, 2024 at 10:30 am EDT

If you're training your chest and you don't feel your pecs working... are you really training your chest?, you're not. You're inefficiently training all the other muscle groups that contribute to whatever movement you're doing ...

Weird Band Pushdown hack for blowing up your triceps...

July 9th, 2024 at 5:21 pm EDT

The band pushdown is a great finishing exercise... This new version, that I call Triangle Band Pushdowns, adds in horizontal resistance while you're doing the pushdown to increase the contraction on the lateral head of the triceps. An ...

Got pain you can't get rid of? This can help...

July 8th, 2024 at 12:56 pm EDT

Your body doesn't want to be in pain. When you're in pain, your body wants to get OUT of pain. So it sends help in the form of a specific molecule (the scientific name is PGE2) to increase heat and blood flow to the area to speed heal ...

Get a MONSTER lat stretch with this weird pulldown setup...

July 7th, 2024 at 3:56 pm EDT

This one gave me the BEST lat stretch I've ever felt. You may have seen something similar to this exercise done using a seated row machine, where you kneel on the floor behindg the end of the bench and brace the hips against the end. ...

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