Subject: THIS erases joint pain and inflammation

THIS erases joint pain and inflammation

September 14th, 2023 at 12:20 pm EDT

We're all dealing with inflammation in some way, shape or form. When you get injured, your body gets acute inflammation as part of the healing process...we've all experienced that. However, when you're NOT injured, and you've got i ...

You're going to hate me for this one...

September 13th, 2023 at 3:41 pm EDT

If your quad training has gotten stale and needs a jump start, this is something you're going to want to try. I call this technique "Compound Ascending Squats" and it will murder your legs. (you're really not going to be hap ...

Intermittent Fasting for fat loss AND muscle growth...

September 12th, 2023 at 12:23 pm EDT

Intermittent Fasting (or IF for short) is one of my favorite nutritional techniques for getting lean AND (ironically enough) building muscle. If you're not familiar with it, at it's very simplest, you don't eat for approximately 24 hours ...

A NASTY bodyweight drop set for massive triceps....

September 11th, 2023 at 2:19 pm EDT

This method is going to blow up your triceps FAST. It's based on the Bodyweight Tricep Extension exercise, and uses changes in body position to perform a mechanical drop set. You can start (or finish) at any point along the c ...

The single most powerful strength-building method I've ever found...

September 10th, 2023 at 3:44 pm EDT

I call it CEO Training... It stands for Compound Exercise Overload Training. Right now, I'm using it myself every other workout to prepare for my 50th birthday workout...which is going to be nuts (deadlifting 500 lbs for 50 re ...

THINK your way to bigger arms?

September 9th, 2023 at 11:41 am EDT

...or a bigger chest...or bigger legs? Sounds crazy, I know. But it's legit. This actually goes beyond the mind-muscle connection that we develop with consistent training. I'll explain. First, visualizatio ...

Unlock stubborn fat with Lactate Tolerance Training for back...

September 8th, 2023 at 12:21 pm EDT

You are receiving this email because you signed up for emails at, or you purchased one of my products. If you no longer wish to receive fitness and training info like this, you can instantly unsubscribe by clickin ...

Skin-splitting chest pump...try this workout

September 7th, 2023 at 8:07 am EDT

I'm not kidding when I say this workout is going to give you a MASSIVE pump in your chest. You're going to be using two exercises that you've already done many, many times before... you're just going to use them in a very different way. ...

An anti-aging milkshake?...

September 6th, 2023 at 12:11 pm EDT

As you get older, your production of this stuff decreases...which leaves you with... sagging skin wrinkles fine lines thinning skin weak, brittle nails stiff joints slowe ...

Simple EZ bar hack to increase bicep activation...

September 5th, 2023 at 4:22 pm EDT

Sometimes the simplest things in the gym can make a big difference. This is a very simple way to change up your grip on the EZ Curl Bar in order to maximize the tension that the exercise places on your biceps. All you need to do is th ...

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