Subject: 20 "mental tricks" I use to get more reps and use more weight...

20 "mental tricks" I use to get more reps and use more weight...

June 23rd, 2016 at 4:08 pm EDT

So the past few days, I've been talking about the Psychology of Strength program from Mike Gillette...if you haven't seen it and you're interested in pushing your mental strength to the limit, this is a program you absolutely need to have a look at. ...

Do this before your workout and be STRONGER...

June 22nd, 2016 at 6:26 pm EDT

What if I told you that the music you listen to before you workout could make you stronger? It's true. I'll let Mike Gillette explain it... Anchoring ...

[try this] Countdown Time-Volume Training...

June 21st, 2016 at 12:38 pm EDT

This is a new version of my "Time-Volume Training" protocol that I just tested out last night and it worked GREAT. Definitely worth trying if you're looking for some serious high-workload, high-volume training. I've been slacking on ...

Countdown Time-Volume method for mass...

June 21st, 2016 at 12:34 pm EDT

This is a new version of my "Time-Volume Training" protocol that I just tested out last night and it worked GREAT. Definitely worth trying if you're looking for some serious high-workload, high-volume training. I've been slacking ...

Don't be "normal"...develop a mind like IRON...(read this)

June 20th, 2016 at 4:26 pm EDT

Modern society makes people weak. It seems like everything about our society encourages weakness..."everybody gets a trophy" trophies, the mentality of entitlement (the world owes me because I exist) know exactly what I'm ta ...

REAL core work...(no crunches, no situps)

June 19th, 2016 at 3:24 pm EDT

The workout is called the Inside Out Core Crusher...and you know with a name like that, I'm not joking around. The Inside Out Core Crusher is a KILLER circuit put together specifically to target the core...without using a single actual AB exe ...

Get UNBREAKABLE abs with this insane core workout...

June 19th, 2016 at 3:21 pm EDT

The workout is called the Inside Out Core Crusher...and you know with a name like that, I'm not joking around. The Inside Out Core Crusher is a KILLER circuit put together specifically to target the core...without using a single a ...

5 new fat-loss exercises that will blow your mind

June 18th, 2016 at 3:40 pm EDT

Sometimes I think I'm out of my mind... I've put together a very cool video with 5 of my best "fat-loss-targeted" insane exercises. - If you've hit a rut or a plateau in your fat-loss training... - If you're bored with th ...

5 fat-loss exercises you've NEVER seen before

June 18th, 2016 at 3:38 pm EDT

Sometimes I think I'm out of my mind... I've put together a very cool video with 5 of my best "fat-loss-targeted" insane exercises. - If you've hit a rut or a plateau in your fat-loss train ...

"So, what do I eat?"

June 17th, 2016 at 9:41 am EDT

Honestly, that's probably THE most frequent question I've gotten in my 25+ years as a trainer. And I didn't always used to have a good answer for people. My best answer now is "carb cycling"...which essentially means ...

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