Subject: The best single-leg exercise you SHOULD be doing...

The best single-leg exercise you SHOULD be doing...

February 6th, 2017 at 12:52 pm EDT

I'm not going to keep you in suspense very long... The exercise is the Bulgarian Split Squat and it's one of the best single-leg exercises there is. It should be a staple in your exercise routine, especially if you're interest ...

Feb 5th - Band Janda Sit-Ups to Blowtorch your six-pack abs

February 5th, 2017 at 4:08 pm EDT

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Band Janda Sit-Ups Posted February 5th, 2017 This exercise will absolutely BLOWTORCH your six-pack abs (the rectus abdominis). You'll be combining a Janda Sit-Up, which minimizes hip flexor action, with ba ...

BLOWTORCH your six-pack abs...(insane, new exercise)

February 5th, 2017 at 3:49 pm EDT

Let me just preface this exercise by don't come to me for "normal"... :) You come to me for INSANE stuff that WORKS. This exercise is a prime example of that. ...

How I gained 25 lbs in one week...

February 4th, 2017 at 5:12 pm EDT

Sound crazy? It is...keep reading... So I do a LOT of self-experimentation. I try new training methods and techniques all the time. Sometimes they don't work and I trash them.. ...

La causa #1 De Grasa Abdominal En Mujeres de Más de 35

February 4th, 2017 at 4:29 pm EDT

Sab as que CADA mujer lleva el gen de la Menopausia en su ADN? Este peque simo gen est escondido entre las c lulas grasosas de tu vientre y se est n apagadas hasta que cumples 35 a os de edad. Una vez que cumples 35, tu ...

Truco abdominal de 30 segundos Cura “El Vientre Menopáusico” En Las Mujeres de Más de 35

February 3rd, 2017 at 4:47 pm EDT

Sab as que CADA mujer lleva el gen de la Menopausia en su ADN? Sabes, cuando llegas a los 35, tu cuerpo autom ticamente empieza a activar el gen, instant neamente convirtiendo tu cintura en un im n para la grasa Una con ...

Eat low-carb too long and THIS will happen (and it's not good)...

February 3rd, 2017 at 4:29 pm EDT

To put it bluntly, when you eat low-carb for too long, your thryoid slows down, your metabolism grinds down and your fat loss slows or even stops. I once tested myself to see how long I could do a very strict low-carb diet for ...

Interval training for fat-loss on a low-carb diet... (good or bad?)

February 2nd, 2017 at 2:50 pm EDT

This is one of the most common roadblocks you're going to run into with low-carb dieting... You want to do high intensity interval training (HIIT) because of how effective it is for burning fat. Howeve ...

[Re: Tus resultados] Cómo Obtener Un Cuerpo de Bikini A Cualquier Edad

February 2nd, 2017 at 2:26 pm EDT

Ayer yo te hice un peque o examen A qu edad piensas que las mujeres les cuesta m s trabajo perder grasa abdominal? 30-39 40-49 50+ Aqu est n l ...

Cómo Obtener Un Cuerpo DE Bikini A Cualquier Edad

February 1st, 2017 at 4:14 pm EDT

Por qu crees que las mujeres batallan tanto para perder grasa abdominal? Elige una y ve si tu respuesta se empareja a la respuesta de los dem s ma ana. A) 30-39 B) 40-49 C) 50+ >>Adem s en la siguiente p gi ...

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