
Change Your Body Boot Camps - Newsletter

Subject: New Day, New Week, New Chance!

New Day, New Week, New Chance!

November 5th, 2018 at 5:18 pm EDT

Patriots Monday to you, Friend! I hope you had a great Daylight Savings, Sleep In Sunday, unless you have a 4 year old, who didn't get the message and climbed into bed with you and could only sleep with her little leg wrapped around you with every p ...

Intuitive Eaters!

November 2nd, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! That's my little firefighter, Vivian. Hindsight is 20/20, but I should have been Fire Marshall Bill. Remember him? Anyways, we had a blast. I was ready to canvas all of Savin Hill, running house to house to get candy with her, but tho ...

Halloween Candy!

October 31st, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Hallowed Eve to you! Is your inner child, still as excited for the big day as most every current child is? We've got 300 pieces of candy, which should cover the roughly 200+ kids we'll get, and there should be enough for my litt ...

P11 Challenge Workouts!

October 21st, 2018 at 1:25 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Beautiful Sunday to you! Monday starts empowerment week and then we return for phase 12 on 10/29. Here are your P11, Challenge Workoutspdf: P11 Challenge Workouts (EW’s)video: Workout B (modified), Day 1video: Workout A (modif ...

Hot for the holidays. Stay focused. Track your stats. Tailor your workouts. Re-inspire your meal plans.

October 19th, 2018 at 1:00 pm EDT

Great afternoon Friend! We're rapidly approaching many peoples favorite holiday stretch of the year. There are always going to be not so great things about the different holidays and some down right sucky things, but there also, always going to be ...

What's The Best Ability?

October 19th, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! It's baseball playoff season, the time of year every major leaguer hopes to get to, and one thing that strength conditioning coaches talk about is how to help our athletes be more durable to play as many games as possible and to play th ...

RSVP for PM's, C3's and ND!

October 18th, 2018 at 1:00 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Time to RSVP! Here you go:1. Private Measurements.7-9am @ MCReserve here. 2. Custom Corrective Cardio7-9a @ MCReserve 5 time slots.Learn more and pay here, then follow instructions to schedule call and private training. 3. Nutrition Dis ...

Balancing: FOMO, YOLO and JOMO!

October 18th, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Thursday to you! So acronyms have been around forever as a way to simplify communication. I remember when I worked at Disney World, they had a book on acronyms the company used to make communicating simpler and easier. As an Ath ...

Cardio Minutes, Empowerment Weeks and Bonus Week

October 16th, 2018 at 11:26 am EDT

Hi Friend! Blue sky Tuesday to you! Week 3's, record week is off to a fast start, as expected, and I must tell you, its so cool and inspiring to have a front row seat to the collective athletic qualities and efforts you've developed and possess. ...

Quick Tip: Heels vs. Toes

October 12th, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! This week I had a conversation with a client about some discomfort he was feeling in his knees after martial arts training. The discomfort was so great that it was both taking the joy away from something he loved (martial arts training) ...

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