
Change Your Body Boot Camps - Newsletter

Subject: Final RSVP for Party: Pre-pay Now!

Final RSVP for Party: Pre-pay Now!

March 26th, 2019 at 10:39 am EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Tuesday to you! NY was a success. We stayed at the AC Hotel by Marriot and it was centrally located to Times Square, the Richard Rogers Theater and Penn Station. It's less than a year old, has a great roof deck bar with a nice m ...

Last Chance to Vote on the Menu!

March 21st, 2019 at 11:27 am EDT

Hi Friend! If you've been with us this week and not away for travel, I hope you're enjoying the 4th week of a 4 week phase. We have 5 more phases consisting of 4 weeks. Tomorrow, as mentioned in an earlier email, I'll be leaving during the 9am cl ...

Please choose your Menu

March 19th, 2019 at 11:49 am EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Tuesday to you! We're getting close to our Saturday, March 30th event date. I'm getting nervous - excited and I'm looking forward to spending the evening with you and all are guests. A couple things. This year we'll be at a restau ...

Please choose your Menu

March 18th, 2019 at 4:41 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Monday to you! We're getting close to our Saturday, March 30th event date. I'm getting nervous - excited and I'm looking forward to spending the evening with you and all are guests. A couple things. This year we'll be at a restaur ...

Practice my skills!

March 11th, 2019 at 4:53 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Monday to you! What an interesting start to the day. First black ice and now melting. Go figure. So I've got new skills and I want to put them to use so I can master them and make them more 2nd nature. I talked it over with Van ...

Greetings from the Row Hotel!

March 9th, 2019 at 7:59 am EDT

Greetings Friend, from the Row Hotel @ Assembly Row! I'm here for another (2) workshops (FMS 2 and FCS) to update my skills so I can be a better coach for you, continue to grow and earn some CEU's for my strength conditioning (CSCS) and my Athletic ...

3/30: Are you coming (Y or N)?

March 7th, 2019 at 2:38 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Thursday to you! Vivi's been reading this book about maps and now all her art work are maps leading to "X" mark the spots and buried treasure. Today we were walking home from school and we past some men surveying the the streets. V ...

and the 9am is canceled due to snow as well

March 4th, 2019 at 6:52 am EDT

Hi again Friend! I had wishful thinking to get our morning workouts in, but alas the snow is still coming. See you tonight if it works for your schedule. Happy shoveling and playing in the snow. Mike

6am canceled due to snow

March 4th, 2019 at 4:12 am EDT

Good morning Friend ! The 6am is canceled due to snow. Happy shovel throws. Mike

Reminder: no class today (I'm in CA getting Jedi skills). P3 starts Tues night.

February 25th, 2019 at 6:05 am EDT

Hello from Hollywood Friend! There’s no class today because I was out partying at the Oscars with all my fellow famous people and boy do they stay up late. Kidding. I’m at a SFMA Level 1 and Level 2 Workshop (Selective Functional Movement As ...

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