
Change Your Body Boot Camps - Newsletter

Subject: Anna Hibiscus, Cardio Minutes & Training Schedule

Anna Hibiscus, Cardio Minutes & Training Schedule

August 12th, 2019 at 3:45 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Have you read the Anna Hibiscus stories? We're re-reading them to Vivi as we discovered the Newton Free Library had both the books and the cd's. Last week in the 6:30pm, Thursday class I asked the class if they ever cried watching a m ...

A side by side summary of different meal plans: Satter, Halton and CYBBC!

August 8th, 2019 at 5:00 am EDT

Happy August to you, Friend! I've been discussing different meal plans and food philosophies with all kinds of people this summer from clients, to athletes, to fellow parents, to friends and with family. There's so much information out there, that ...

Thought You Might Want to Know

August 7th, 2019 at 4:46 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Wednesday to you! I think I have a quick email for you, so I'll get right into. Blue Cross Blue Shield - Fitness ReimbursementI just learned that not only does BCBS give a fitness reimbursement to its members but instead of it ...

Are you training this week?

August 4th, 2019 at 8:35 am EDT

Gorgeous morning to you, Friend! August is here and so is phase 9! We'll train like Leo the Lion this month and come September we'll peak for fall races and taper (reduce stress) as we return to work school schedules. What's your training schedu ...

Cardio Minutes - Week 2

July 15th, 2019 at 5:19 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Gorgeous day to you! Q: "What's training been like for you?" A: "I find it relaxing." That's what my cousin said this weekend when I was training him and his friend. I do agree. What about you? Do you find training relaxing? Cardio ...

Reminder: Work + Rest = Success

July 12th, 2019 at 4:25 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Happy free grass watering Friday to you! Summer time brings back a lot of fond memories for me as it may for you as well. One fond, trend I like to revisit is all the successes I've had in my life that started from what I did in the su ...

Welcome back to Phase 8!

July 8th, 2019 at 3:15 pm EDT

Beautiful day to you, Friend! How was your time a way from CYBBC? Have you missed us? I've missed you and though I would have welcomed a few more days with V's, the weeds would start growing if I was away any longer so, its time to continue the pr ...

Sprints vs Long Walks and High Intensity vs Low Intensity

June 25th, 2019 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! 'Tis the season for long walks on the beach, harbor, trails and in your neighborhood! I love all the all seasons, at least that's what I tell myself since I choose to live in New England, and I sure appreciate these long days and warm ...

Week 3, Cardio Minutes, Functional Strength Coach 7

June 24th, 2019 at 3:54 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Happy Monday to you! Man, I'm feeling good after having caught up on sleep, crushing cardio minutes, getting QT with my V's, eating good foods and getting in a great Workout A today. How are you feeling? Week 3This week is record wee ...

11-4pm, Today, Sat, June 15, Family Pot Luck Picnic @ Newton Center Playground

June 15th, 2019 at 7:00 am EDT

Good morning Friend! And a beautiful day to you! Today is the family pot luck picnic. Family Pot Luck Picnic11-4pm, Today, Saturday, June 15Newton Centre Playground, Near the HutPark @ Mason Rice School; not Tyler Terrace Picnic area is in fron ...

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