
Change Your Body Boot Camps - Newsletter

Subject: What'd you do for minutes last week?

What'd you do for minutes last week?

July 9th, 2018 at 4:53 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Wow! What a stretch of great weather we've had. Yay for us! I hope this email reaches you feeling good, fresh and ready for a new week and a new phase. Before we get too far into the phase, let's close up the previous phase. What' ...

What gets scheduled, ...

June 30th, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! Wednesday Vanessa and I had a "scheduled" call to talk about July. July's a busy month for many people, and it is for us as well, so we wanted to go over the calendar together and make a plan. Recurring AppointmentOne thing that's a ...

P7 Challenge Workouts!

June 29th, 2018 at 4:54 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Happy heat wave Friday to you! Tomorrow is Measurements Orientation (Nutrition Discussion) and next week is empowerment week. We return on Monday, July 9 for Phase 8. Challenge Workoutspdf: P7 Challenge Workouts (EW’s)video: Worko ...

RSVP Now for Mid Year Measurements!

June 28th, 2018 at 1:00 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Happy rain day and don't go home until you complete 4 sets of 10, push ups to downward dog. It's time to RSVP for Phase 8 (Mid Year Measurements). P8, Private Measurements7-9am, Sat, June 30 @ MCRSVP Now! Custom Corrective Card ...

Everyone Needs Self-Care!

June 26th, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! This weekend my family had an overnight playdate with 2 other families from Vivi's school. One thing I noticed was the appreciation for self-care the families had. It was a very active weekend with bicycle riding, walking, playground tim ...

What'd you do for minutes last week?

June 25th, 2018 at 1:54 pm EDT

Hi Friend! Great day to you! I hope you're excited for the 2pm Portugal game today. Fingers crossed they win and move on to the knockout round. If you watch today, look for Ronaldo and watch how he walks a lot and then runs. He's fast. He doesn't w ...

Weekly Recap

June 23rd, 2018 at 5:35 am EDT

Good morning Friend! Looks like this weekend the grass gets watered, so I hope you enjoy working on your indoor activities whatever those may be. Cardio Minutes - Week 2Time Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Total6:00am 22 22 25 699:00am 22 22 25 696:30pm 22 22 ...

Boring Feels Good

June 22nd, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! Do you ever come home after a long day and feel like you deserve a reward for slaying dragons and fighting the good fight? Do you ever feel like you deserve to crack open a cold, ... seltzer and/or eating an extra meal after giving yo ...

80:20 Rule with Sprints vs Recovery for High Performance

June 21st, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

A while back, I wrote about how Cristiano Ronaldo walks a lot on the "pitch" (here and here) to conserve his energy for when he sprints and now the analytics people at 538, did an article on Lionel Messi arguably the co-best player in the world, who ...

Hi Friend, would you please...?

June 21st, 2018 at 5:00 am EDT

Hi Friend! Would you please complete the mid-year survey, so I can learn more about what you like and dislike as well as what's working for you, what's not and what could be better? Thank you, Michael p.s. here's the direct link: https://www.survey ...

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