Subject: The group is live... Let the challenge begin!

The group is live... Let the challenge begin!

February 19th, 2021 at 8:24 pm NDT

Hey Friend, The 5 Day Lose Your Gut TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE group is up and running! On Saturday, February 20th, The "Lose Your Gut" Challenge will go kick off and I'm really looking forward to it. I made an introduction video welcoming you into ...

Last Chance... starting this weekend

February 19th, 2021 at 2:05 pm NDT

Hey Friend, The NEW Lose Your Gut Challenge Group is officially a go! On Saturday, February 20th, we will go LIVE and it's capped at 100 guys.Those guys will get...✅ A battle tested nutrition protocol so you can get results fast without sufferin ...

😮 WE'RE At Full Capacity! 💯

February 17th, 2021 at 8:20 pm NDT

Hi Friend, Last week I asked if you would be interested in participating in my FREE 5 Day Lose Your Gut TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE to show you how to escape the yo-yo dieting trap, optimize your nutrition, and master your metabolism so you can get back ...

Friend, let me think about it.

February 15th, 2021 at 11:24 am NDT

Hey Friend, Most people I talk to would like to improve their health and fitness, but they are just waiting for the right time to start... Have you ever procrastinated and followed the I'm going to "Think About It" fitness program?The truth is gett ...

NEW "Lose Your Gut" Challenge to get back on track!

February 12th, 2021 at 5:36 pm NDT

Hey Friend, The other day I asked if you would be interested in a Free 5 Day Lose Your Gut TRANSFORMATION CHALLENGE to show you how to get back on track, escape the yo-yo dieting trap, and master your metabolism so you can reach your fitness and fa ...

Friend, how are those New Years Resolution Fitness Goals coming along❓

February 10th, 2021 at 2:17 pm NDT

Hey Friend, The truth is most people start off the new year all full of piss and vinegar and super motivated to make a change, lose weight, get in shape, etc... But by the middle of February most of those goals are gone like a fart in the wind... If ...

Truth About "Rebound Weight Gain"...

February 4th, 2021 at 1:26 pm NDT

Hey Friend, If you've ever lost weight in the past, only to regain it back again - This Email Is For YOU... The biggest problem with losing fat - isn't the losing part... Because pretty much anyone can lose weight if they really buckle down and commi ...

Should you "BULK" or "CUT" ?

February 1st, 2021 at 7:49 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Should you Bulk or Cut... this is a common question that I hear all the time. And the answer is neither... You don't need to "BULK" or "CUT" because when you do it properly you can actually achieve a body re-composition and lose the f ...

It's the weekend - epic "Cheat Day"!

January 30th, 2021 at 10:40 am NDT

"I workout regularly, I eat healthy, but for some reason I just can't lose that stubborn weight right around belly. What am I doing wrong?" Hey Friend, It doesn’t matter how consistent you are during the weekdays, if you're constantly blowing it o ...

Truth About Fat Loss

January 27th, 2021 at 10:42 am NDT

Hey Friend, Getting in shape doesn't happen by accident... If you see someone who is in really good shape - lean, muscular, and fit - you can bet your A$$ that they worked hard to get there. It was just some fluke that happened by chance! The sam ...

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