Subject: The "Desensitization" secret for building muscle continuously...

The "Desensitization" secret for building muscle continuously...

January 8th, 2023 at 7:27 am EDT

This is a great concept that makes nothing but sense, taken from the program I mentioned yesterday, called "Physique Building." I had also mentioned that today I'd be giving you info on some of my favorite ideas from this program. Now ...

AMAZING natural physique...(and how he got it)

January 7th, 2023 at 11:03 am EDT

I was really impressed by this guy... I saw pics of his physique and I could see exactly why I'm sure he gets a lot of people thinking he's not natural. You can check those pics out here. Now, for myself, I tend to focus pr ...

#LegDayProblems...this exercise will give you those big time...

January 6th, 2023 at 4:07 pm EDT

Not kidding...this barbell setup allows you to push your legs to the LIMIT. It functions as a sort of machine for the split squat exercise, stabilizing the bar enough to let you focus on just making the muscles work while still giving you som ...

Barbell Leg Extensions...better than the machine! Here's how to set them up...

January 5th, 2023 at 5:29 pm EDT

The leg extension machine often gets a bad rap... and often, it deserves it. I've used a lot of them, and they vary from super smooth to total knee breakers. This is a simple barbell setup of the leg extension. All you need is a bench ...

I added 40 pounds to my squat while dropping bodyfat with this diet...

January 4th, 2023 at 6:55 am EDT

This diet is actually what I'm doing right now myself. In addition to seeing great gains on my squat, I've dropped 8 lbs of fat in the past 5 weeks (and I can eat whatever I want on the weekends). Now, 8 pounds may not sound ...

DO NOT sneeze after doing this fat-loss workout (weird but you'll see)...

January 3rd, 2023 at 6:33 pm EDT

Yep, two days after doing this one, you're going to be afraid to sneeze. This Lactic Acid fat-loss workout hits just about every muscle group in your body with a very special focus on the deep, anti-rotational muscles of the core...t ...

#1 worst exercise for men over 50 (KILLS testosterone)

January 2nd, 2023 at 6:22 am EDT

WARNING for men over 50 The conventional advice to do 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps might be killing your manhood You see, most workouts are built for guys half your age or younger. The problem is, these workouts age you faster ...

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