Subject: This ab exercise LOOKS easy...(it'll crush your lower abs)

This ab exercise LOOKS easy...(it'll crush your lower abs)

January 19th, 2017 at 8:17 am EDT

The funny thing is...this is an absolutely BRUTAL abdominal exercise even though it looks like it SHOULD be easier. I'll explain... It's a hanging leg ...

Build BIG triceps with this SMART superset...

January 18th, 2017 at 8:09 am EDT

Building the triceps takes heavy can't build an impressive set of tri's with kickbacks and pushdowns. You also need to find ways to increase the tension and loading on the triceps as heavy pressing tends to invo ...

Countdown Time-Volume Training for mass and strength...

January 17th, 2017 at 8:05 am EDT

Yep, this training method is seriously one of the BEST I've ever come up with... ...and I don't say that lightly. It's effective for gaining strength, building muscle AND burning fat...all in ONE workout. I had mention ...

The one key supplement I NEVER go without...

January 16th, 2017 at 7:44 am EDT

I've talked about this stuff before...and seriously, it's the ONE supplement that I NEVER go without. (I don't take protein every day, but I take this stuff every day). I ...

Do this and get MASSIVE increases in strength with bodyweight training...

January 14th, 2017 at 4:55 pm EDT

I'm a BIG fan of bodyweight training... fact, (and this might sound crazy at first) one of the MAJOR reasons my biceps look like this (pic below) is NOT because of free weight training. ...

Best core exercise ever... (you're going to hate me for it)

January 13th, 2017 at 5:47 pm EDT

You're really going to hate me for this one... This is one of my very favorite "secret weapon" core training exercises. And when you're done, you're going to feel like you can punch through a brick wall. ...

How to expand your muscle cells and FORCE new growth...

January 12th, 2017 at 2:41 pm EDT

This is actually pretty's not my protocol but it's very similar to some of the techniques I've been experimenting with myself over the past few years. The protocol is called ...

The 4 most INSANE/STUPID bodyweight exercises I've ever done...

January 10th, 2017 at 6:21 pm EDT

Ok, so some of this stuff is going to be under the "do not try this at home... or ever" category... just a quick heads-up. I've done a lot of awesome exercises over the years. I've pushed myself to the limits of what I can physica ...

My #1 love-handle "killing" exercise...

January 9th, 2017 at 5:03 pm EDT

Nobody actually "loves" their love handles...a.k.a. muffintops. So what can you do to get RID of them? Obviously, losing extra fat is the first step... ...however, those love handle fat ...

Adds 10 to 20 lbs to your bench press FAST... (insane, new method)

January 8th, 2017 at 7:14 pm EDT

Everybody wants a bigger bench press... that's not even a question. If you've hit a plateau in your bench press numbers, it may not be due to problems gaining strength or from lack of muscle mass... may b ...

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