Subject: KILLER Lactic Acid protocol for chest...(great for stubborn fat)

KILLER Lactic Acid protocol for chest...(great for stubborn fat)

January 27th, 2017 at 5:44 pm EDT

Lactic Acid Training is one of THE best methods for burning stubborn fat while maintaining muscle mass. The mechanism by which this happens is via Growth Hormone... because massive Lactic acid accumulation ramps up GH secretion in the body in res ...

5 testosterone-boosting recipes...(video + instructions)

January 27th, 2017 at 4:33 pm EDT

The FOOD that you eat is one of the single most important factors affecting your testosterone levels. Eat the wrong foods and your T levels can plummet. Eat the right foods and your T levels go up and STAY up. ...

Jan 26th - Quarter Range Pec Lockouts

January 26th, 2017 at 6:19 pm EDT

Today's Powerful Training Secrets update... Quarter Range Pec Lockouts Posted January 26th, 2017 If you have trouble feeling your pecs working when benching, this variation will help get them activated and load them with heavier than normal weight. ...

Killer new "pec growing" bench press variation...

January 26th, 2017 at 5:55 pm EDT

If you want to build a big chest, you do the barbell bench press, right? Well...not necessarily. The barbell bench press can be a good exercise for building the chest in SOME people and a terrible exercise in others. A lot ...

2 eating tips for optimal testosterone levels...

January 25th, 2017 at 5:42 pm EDT

We both know that testosterone is a CRITICAL component for building muscle... Without high enough T levels, you're going to be struggling to put on even an ounce of muscle. Yet it seems like just about everything in our so ...

Power-Start Lactic Acid Occlusion Training for Chest...(trust me, you'll love it)

January 24th, 2017 at 2:11 pm EDT

If you want to lose fat fast while KEEPING your muscle mass, you've GOT to do Lactic Acid Training. To me, that's just the bottom line. The reason is simple...when large amounts of Lactic Acid are generated, your body secre ...

4 training methods for targeting weak bodyparts...

January 23rd, 2017 at 3:38 pm EDT

Weak bodyparts and trouble spots...everybody's got ' how do you FIX 'em? For me, it's calves and shoulders. I have to literally DESTROY my calves to see any growth in them and shoulders...well, let me put it this way...I've heard it's not ne ...

Target your hips, butt and thighs with this cool combo exercise

January 22nd, 2017 at 2:28 pm EDT

This is a good one... It's a combination exercise will hit your entire lower body, targeting your hips, butt and thighs very effectively, while CRANKING up your metabolism to help you lose fat. For this exercise, you'll need ...

Think you're strong at push-ups? Try THIS...

January 21st, 2017 at 2:01 pm EDT

Training your chest with bodyweight movements such as push-ups is a great idea... ...however, when you get stronger with push-ups, there comes a point where you'll no longer have enough resistance to really build the chest effectively! ...

INSANELY effective "deep" core exercise for you to try...

January 20th, 2017 at 8:20 am EDT

Strong supporting core strength is CRITICAL if you want to lift a lot of weight in your big exercises like squats and deadlifts. And in my opinion, there is NO better "deep core support" exercise than the Curl Squat. ...

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