Subject: Friend you're invited... (Live @ Five Q & A Today)

Friend you're invited... (Live @ Five Q & A Today)

October 6th, 2023 at 2:14 pm NDT

Hey Friend, This is your special invite to join me over on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube Channel today at 5 pm EST for a live stream Fitness Nutrition Q and A... If you have any questions about your workou ...

Can't Feel Your Back Muscles Working? Try this to create more mind / muscle connection...

October 3rd, 2023 at 9:42 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Do you ever have trouble feeling your back muscles working and getting a good pump in the lats when doing rows, pull downs, pull ups, etc.? This is a common problem for many people when training back. Part of the reason is that you can' ...

Motivational Quote of the Day

September 28th, 2023 at 4:30 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Child development author Joseph Chilton Pearce reminds parents of an important truth: "What we are teaches the child far more than what we say, so we must be what we want our children to become." How are you leading your children by exa ...

Body re-composition progress pics

September 25th, 2023 at 8:43 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Can you build muscle and lose fat at the same time? The answer is YES! That's exactly what Bruce MacDonald has been doing over the past 3 months with the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program... Just check out his progress... In the "Before ...

Friend you're invited... (Live @ Five Q & A Today)

September 22nd, 2023 at 2:14 pm NDT

Hey Friend, This is your special invite to join me over on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube Channel today at 5 pm EST for a live stream Fitness Nutrition Q and A... If you have any questions about your workou ...

How Many Meals A Day Should You Eat for Fat Loss?

September 21st, 2023 at 1:15 pm NDT

Hey Friend, The question of meal frequency is a common one among bodybuilding and fitness enthusiasts... Should you eat 3 meals, 5 meals, 6 meals, or more per day? The number of meals you should eat per day can vary based on individual preferences, ...

Ask Lee Q & A ...I hate myself for feeling so lazy... 😥

September 20th, 2023 at 12:06 pm NDT

Lee, How Do I Motivate Myself To Go To The Gym and Workout? ...I hate myself for feeling so lazy... 😥 --------- This question was submitted during one of our LIVE Total Fitness Bodybuilding Video Q A's and it's a good one that I'm sure a lot of p ...

You DON'T Need More Information...

September 18th, 2023 at 8:05 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Are you're ready to take your health, fitness, and wellness to the next level? Would you like to break free of bad habits, procrastination and self-doubt so that you can become the type of man you know you deserve to be? I'm talking about ...

Live Q & A Today (Live @ Five)

September 15th, 2023 at 1:35 pm NDT

Hey Friend, It's Friday again, and you know what that means... Today at 5 pm EST I'll be hosting a live stream Fitness Nutrition Q and A over on the Total Fitness Bodybuilding YouTube Channel @ If you have any que ...

10 Minute Daily Walk Challenge

September 13th, 2023 at 3:38 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Do you ever struggle to find time to exercise? I certainly do... And it wasn't that long ago I totally fell off the rails with my personal health and fitness and let myself go. After I stopped competing in bodybuilding and became a father ...

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