Subject: Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge

Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge

July 18th, 2015 at 12:30 am NDT

Hey Friend, It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here with an update regarding the 2015 Total Fitness Bodybuilding Physique Transformation Challenge. Back in April of this I announced the start of our 90 day "Before" "After" physique transf ...

Top 5 Causes of "Stubborn" Fat (and how to remove it)

July 15th, 2015 at 9:00 am NDT

Hey Friend, Take this quick test to determine where you have a tendency to store stubborn bodyfat. Just touch the fat on your face (even the leanest people still have some fat in their cheeks). You'll notice that it's warm and mushy. However... When ...

The BIGGEST Nutrition Myth EVER

July 13th, 2015 at 4:06 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Hopefully you know by now that 2,000 calories per day of candy bars and soda pop will NOT produce the same result as 2,000 calories per day of chicken breast, broccoli and high quality carbohydrates. Now consider this: If there reall ...

Alcohol & Bodybuilding Don't Mix, but you can minimize the damage

July 12th, 2015 at 2:32 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Are you one of the many bodybuilders who is also a social drinker? If so you'll want to check out the most recent YouTube video that I made... == Alcohol Bodybuilding Don't Mix, but you can minimize the damage. Drinking alcohol is a ...

3 Killer Tricks. 1 Awesome Video.

July 11th, 2015 at 1:29 am NDT

Hey Friend, It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here and I wanted to share this video presentation with you that reveals 3 killer training tips that will skyrocket your muscle building to new levels while also dramatically increasing your st ...

3 Signs That You're Overtraining

July 8th, 2015 at 6:12 pm NDT

Hey Friend, The whole topic of "Overtraining" is surrounded by myths and misconceptions in bodybuilding circles. Some fitness gurus believe that everyone is overtraining, and then some other fitness gurus believe it's impossible to overtrain... Obv ...

Do NOT Eat a High Protein Diet until you Read This...

July 5th, 2015 at 11:55 am NDT

Hey Friend, In order to build muscle, you need to consume a "High Protein Diet" because protein makes up the building blocks of muscle tissue. However, eating extra protein puts a strain on your digestive system and chances are your body isn't able ...

Should You Workout Everyday?

July 2nd, 2015 at 8:47 pm NDT

Hey Friend, A lot of people pride themselves on working out every single day. They will brag about how dedicated they are with sticking to a strict regimen of daily exercise. But is working out everyday the best way to build muscle? Do you need to ...

Bodybuilding Jealousy - envy over other people's success

June 30th, 2015 at 1:07 pm NDT

Hey Friend, Do you ever feel jealous over guys who seem to gain muscle easily? Bodybuilding Jealousy - envy over other people's success --Click Here This is a very common issue, but one that's rarely talked about. But the truth of the matter is ...

Are you going to miss this?

June 28th, 2015 at 10:45 pm NDT

Hey Friend, It's your muscle building coach Lee Hayward here with a friendly reminder that tonight is your last chance to save 25% on top quality sports nutrition supplements that are specifically designed for hardcore natural bodybuilders. This wee ...

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