Subject: Love carbs but still want to lose fat?

Love carbs but still want to lose fat?

February 28th, 2020 at 10:44 am EDT

It CAN be done...and very effectively. Yesterday, I talked about a book called "High-Carb Fat Loss"... I've read through entire thing and wanted to give you my thoughts on it. Overall, I think it's VERY well thought out and ...

HIGH-carb eating for rapid fat-loss?...

February 27th, 2020 at 7:57 am EDT

Is Keto wrong? This is something VERY different than what you see these days, especially with the popularity of Keto dieting (high fat, low-carb). It's using a high-carb, VERY low-fat approach to dieting. And it's written b ...

CURE your lower belly bulge with this exercise...

February 26th, 2020 at 2:09 pm EDT

If you have a problem with a bulging or protruding lower abdominal area, you're going to want to try this one for's tough, but awesome. It targets this area EXACTLY, with the EXACT type of movement you need to tighten it up. ...

Get a chiseled chest with this new DB Crawl exercise...

February 25th, 2020 at 3:47 pm EDT

Crawling while holding dumbbells in your hands (a.k.a. the Bear Crawl) is one of THE single best core exercises you can do. I absolutely LOVE the dumbbell crawl exercise. I've talked about this "main" version pictured below (with ju ...

The best single-leg exercise you SHOULD be doing...

February 24th, 2020 at 2:27 pm EDT

I'm not going to keep you in suspense very long... The exercise is the Bulgarian Split Squat and it's one of the best single-leg exercises there is. It should be a staple in your exercise routine, especially if you're interested in functiona ...

Kettlebell Swing Squats...for posterior chain AND quads...

February 23rd, 2020 at 4:54 pm EDT

This is a KILLER exercise if you're short on can also use it in place of any cardio machine in the gym. The Kettlebell Swing is a great exercise for the entire posterior chain (the muscles running down the back of the body) ...

6 "mad scientist" kettlebell training hacks...

February 22nd, 2020 at 12:42 pm EDT

Spring is almost here and it's time to start thinking about warmer weather... I was in Arizona for awhile and now I'm back in Chicago, so I'm definitely thinking about warmer weather! With that in mind, I've got some cool giveaways ...

Yours free...KB Hacks, 28-Day Ab Challenge and more

February 21st, 2020 at 4:03 pm EDT

Spring is almost here and it's time to start thinking about warmer weather... I was in Arizona for awhile and now I'm back in Chicago, so I'm definitely thinking about warmer weather! With that in mind, I've got some cool giveaways ...

This workout builds INHUMAN strength/endurance...

February 20th, 2020 at 1:49 pm EDT

WARNING. Not a lot of people are crazy enough, strong enough or determined enough to complete this workout. It's nuts. It's a heavy weight circuit designed to push you to your limit and KEEP you there, operating near peak c ...

ACTIVATE your muscles or they won't grow...

February 19th, 2020 at 12:44 pm EDT

If you're training your chest and you don't feel your pecs working...are you really training your chest?, you're not. You're inefficiently training all the other muscle groups that contribute to whatever movement you're doin ...

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