Subject: "Your legs look like you're riding a chicken"... (true story)

"Your legs look like you're riding a chicken"... (true story)

October 13th, 2014 at 8:28 pm EDT

I'm sure we can all agree that one of the WORST looks that we see in the gym is that riding a chicken look...with the huge upper body and the scrawny little chicken legs. When I first started training, like 25 years ago, there was a guy in the gym ...

Don't look like you're riding a your legs! (true story)

October 13th, 2014 at 8:25 pm EDT

I'm sure we can all agree that one of the WORST looks that we see in the gym is that riding a chicken look...with the huge upper body and the scrawny little chicken legs. When I first started training, like 25 years ago, there was a guy in the gym ...

This unique exercise will get you a better butt FAST...

October 12th, 2014 at 2:38 pm EDT

If you want to build a better butt and normal stuff like squats and lunges just aren't doing the trick, I've got an exercise you're going to want to try. Check this out... The Problem: Yo ...

An AMAZING exercise for getting a better butt...

October 12th, 2014 at 2:34 pm EDT

If you want to build a better butt and normal stuff like squats and lunges just aren't doing the trick, I've got an exercise you're going to want to try. Check this out... The Problem: ...

Hit a rut? Try these 5 new leg exercises…

October 11th, 2014 at 9:48 am EDT

I've got something very cool for you here today…FIVE unique new leg exercises that will solve one of the MAJOR problems you might have with leg training…lack of training variety. Because we both know that ...

Got 5 cool, new leg exercises for you to try…

October 11th, 2014 at 9:37 am EDT

I've got something very cool for you here today…FIVE unique new leg exercises that will solve one of the MAJOR problems you might have with leg training…lack of training variety. Because we both know that ...

My new leg book is DONE! 154 great new exercises to hit your legs with!

October 10th, 2014 at 7:14 pm EDT

Let me just start by saying I LOVE hard leg training...there's just something primal and downright FUN about working your legs until they're jelly. However... ANYBODY can work themselves into the ground with a lot of sets and reps and just get tired. ...

My new leg book is DONE! 154 new exercises to trash your legs with!

October 10th, 2014 at 6:54 pm EDT

Let me just start by saying I LOVE hard leg training...there's just something primal and downright FUN about working your legs until they're jelly. However... ANYBODY can work themselves into the ground with a lot of sets and reps and just get tired. ...

Carve eye-popping detail into your back with this "almost normal" exercise...

October 9th, 2014 at 4:31 pm EDT

Now first off, I want to say thanks if you emailed me with birthday wishes the past few days! My customer support person, Nichole, was very sure to let me know that when she checked the support account yesterday, there were more than 2,000 emails ...

An "almost normal" exercise for carving eye-popping detail into your entire back...

October 9th, 2014 at 4:29 pm EDT

Now first off, I want to say thanks if you emailed me with birthday wishes the past few days! My customer support person, Nichole, was very sure to let me know that when she checked the support account yesterday, the ...

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