Subject: Shut down aging...with a milkshake?...

Shut down aging...with a milkshake?...

January 29th, 2024 at 6:32 am EDT

As you get older, your production of this stuff decreases...which leaves you with... sagging skin wrinkles fine lines thinning skin weak, brittle nails stiff joints slower recovery from workouts That stuff is coll ...

Want wider lats? This exercise will SHRED them...(in a good way)

January 28th, 2024 at 7:28 am EDT

This variation takes the pull-up to a whole new level of stretch and tension on the lats, effectively targeting the outermost fibers of the lats for improving back width. I call it the Corner Rack Pull-Up and it creates INCREDIBLE tension in ...

Losing 10 lbs of FAT in 14 days looks like this ... (pics inside)

January 27th, 2024 at 6:27 am EDT

So yesterday, I talked about a 14-day rapid fat loss program from my friend and colleague, Rusty Moore. I asked him what his results were when he used this program. And in response, he sent me these before and after pics...taken 14 da ...

The "perfect" plan to lose 5-10 pounds of FAT in 14 days...

January 26th, 2024 at 3:31 pm EDT, notice I emphasized fat... Not weight ... Fat. There is a BIG difference in the two. Weight includes water, intestinal bulk, muscle, etc. FAT is what you really want to lose. And if you want to ...

Bodyweight upper chest workout...definitely try this...

January 25th, 2024 at 3:43 pm EDT

If you need work on your upper chest, have I got a workout for you. This one is done using your bodyweight (no free weights or machines required). It uses my Time-Volume Training protocol, which is extremely versatile and us ...

Fix knee pain with this weird Star Wars looking thing...

January 24th, 2024 at 3:40 pm EDT

I'll leave it your imagination to try and figure out what THIS thing looks like... (to me it's like something out of Star Wars) But this (plus a rolled-up towel) has the potential to help you fix your knee pain... even if you're on th ...

Simple 30-second trick that adds pounds to your Front Squat...

January 23rd, 2024 at 6:07 pm EDT

Front Squats are one of the BEST exercises you can do that many people hate to do...and so they don't do it. And they're really missing out. This quick technique, done right before you Front Squat, can help you get into and maintain ...

Overtrain on PURPOSE if you want to build serious muscle...

January 22nd, 2024 at 2:22 pm EDT

We've always been told that it's bad to overtrain. This is WRONG. Overtraining on purpose is where the REAL results are. First, though, what is overtraining? Overtraining is, most simply, training to ...

Gain 5-7 lbs of solid muscle in the next 6's how...

January 21st, 2024 at 2:17 pm EDT

This two-phase approach is one of THE single most powerful concepts I've ever found when it comes to building serious muscle. Thisi approach works EVERY SINGLE TIME... because that's just how the body HAS to respond when challenged with this ...

Get MASSIVE gains with this complete 3-week specialization program...

January 20th, 2024 at 4:09 pm EDT

If you've got a lagging muscle group or one that doesn't seem to respond to normal training methods, THIS is exactly what you need. It's my favorite 3-week bodypart specialization program. It's VERY simple and brutally effective. ...

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