Subject: The BEST bicep superset for MASS...

The BEST bicep superset for MASS...

February 8th, 2024 at 3:57 pm EDT

This one is awesome for building bigger biceps...and it actually does NOT look weird!! This combination of exercises for your biceps will give you an INCREDIBLE pump while hammering your bi's with excellent muscle-building loading. Ch ...

Fat-shredding kettlebell workout (upper and lower body)

February 7th, 2024 at 2:07 pm EDT

Got a killer sample kettlebell workout from the 6 Minute Fat Loss program I talked about yesterday. Here's what it looks like...using a pair of kettlebells. Upper Body Countdown Set (a) Double Arm Swin ...

6 minutes to JACKED...

February 6th, 2024 at 2:45 pm EDT

I love this concept... Short, powerful 6-minute metabolic conditioning workouts that can get you JACKED. If you like my Metabolic Monsters workouts, these are going to be right up your alley. You can learn more about these ...

A simple "plate" exercise for wider shoulders...

February 5th, 2024 at 3:37 pm EDT

Shoulders are one of the biggest "impact" areas of your body in terms of how your physique looks. Adding muscle to your shoulders means you instantly look better (that's in men and women)...whether it be wide, barndoor shoulders on guys or t ...

The "Desensitization" secret for building muscle continuously...

February 4th, 2024 at 3:00 pm EDT

This is a great concept that makes nothing but sense, taken from the program I mentioned yesterday, called "Physique Building." I had also mentioned that today I'd be giving you info on some of my favorite ideas from this program. Now ...

Amazing natural physique...(and how he got it)

February 3rd, 2024 at 3:25 pm EDT

I was really impressed by this guy... I saw pics of his physique and I could see exactly why I'm sure he gets a lot of people thinking he's not natural. You can check those pics out here. Now, for myself, I tend to focus prima ...

The shortcut to a bigger squat...(and a new way to do it)

February 2nd, 2024 at 6:06 pm EDT

Negatives...they're not glamorous, but they work extremely well for building strength. The trouble with doing them for squats is that you have two choices...use a spotter to help you get the bar back up to the top, or remove weight plates at ...

Nature's best stress reliever... (and T booster)

February 1st, 2024 at 7:17 am EDT

I won't keep you in suspense... It's Ashwagandha... It s packed with adaptogenic properties that help you to... Reduce stress and anxiety Improve sleep Support healthy weight loss and energy ...

Rolling Wall Skullcrushers - GREAT tricep isolation exercise...

January 31st, 2024 at 4:17 pm EDT

It sounds like something out of an Indiana Jones movie... But it's an awesome way to do lying tricep extensions, a.k.a. skullcrushers. This version of the skullcrusher gives you the stabilization benefits of a machine while keeping s ...

Killer chest workout for attacking stubborn fat...

January 30th, 2024 at 1:25 pm EDT

The process of burning stubborn fat can be assisted by attacking it with hormone-based training, in addition to a caloric deficit. This method cranks up the Growth Hormone to unlock that stubborn fat and allow it to be burned. I call ...

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