Subject: This is INSANE...(seriously)

This is INSANE...(seriously)

March 27th, 2014 at 1:45 pm EDT

So you and I both know the benefits of bodyweight training... - improves total body strength and function - convenient - versatile - no equipment or gym membership required - core strengthening - lower chance of injury What I just ...

TORCH your upper chest with this INSANE push-up variation...

March 26th, 2014 at 6:58 pm EDT

Going to keep this short and sweet...if you've been looking for a good exercise to target your upper chest...and you're a bit nuts like me, this is an exercise you're going to want try. I can honestly say, I've never felt my ...

A push-up variation that will TORCH your upper chest...

March 26th, 2014 at 6:55 pm EDT

Going to keep this short and sweet...if you've been looking for a good exercise to target your upper chest...and you're a bit nuts like me, this is an exercise you're going to want try. I can honestly say, I've never felt my ...

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