Subject: How To Keep Students Coming To Class... Pt. III

How To Keep Students Coming To Class... Pt. III

May 4th, 2016 at 8:06 am CDT

Friend, Everybody knows about the typical things you're supposed to do to keep students coming to class, such as...Attendance tracking -MIA follow-ups -Good job notes -And so on. But knowing WHY people become (and I hate to use the word) addicted to ...

How To Keep Students Coming To Class... Pt. II

May 3rd, 2016 at 7:16 am CDT

Friend, So how do you keep students coming to class? In order to understand the best ways to keep students attending your classes, you need to understand how the brain and the mind work together. See, your brain is hardwired to seek out certain exper ...

How To Keep Students Coming To Class...

May 2nd, 2016 at 7:37 am CDT

Friend, Ever wonder what makes students quit martial arts? I mean, they must've been really interested in training at some point, right? Because, if you think about it, it's kind of a hassle to start taking martial arts. You have to research schools ...

Is Your Dojo A Community Resource?

April 29th, 2016 at 5:42 am CDT

Friend, Sure, being in business is tough. And it's easy to start to think of your dojo as a place where you're just trying to survive and pay your bills. But if you make your business all about you, your struggles, and your goals, then you can easil ...

Other Ways To Boost Dojo Profits...

April 28th, 2016 at 7:12 am CDT

Friend, We've talked about raising your rates, finding opportunities to profit outside your school, and fixing your Pro Shop. So what are some other ways you can boost your profits in your dojo? Let's examine a few more, starting with... Boosting Ret ...

More On Small Tickets Adding Up To Big Dojo Profits...

April 27th, 2016 at 6:29 am CDT

Friend, So what else can a dojo owner do to boost their profits? One really simple thing that anyone can do is to fix their Pro Shop mistakes. And just what do I mean by "pro shop mistakes"? Well, quite frankly most of the school owners I've worked w ...

How Small Tickets Add Up To Big Dojo Profits...

April 26th, 2016 at 9:34 am CDT

Friend, I'm going to share something with you today that's not in The Profit-Boosting Principles. When I started my first dojo, I worked several odd jobs (and at odd hours, too) so I could pay my own bills and reinvest all the profits from the dojo b ...

Other Ways To Get Paid What You're Worth At The Dojo...

April 25th, 2016 at 6:44 am CDT

Friend, So besides raising your tuition to an optimal rate, what are some of the other ways you can ensure that you're being paid what you're worth at your dojo? There are quite a few, but before I get into these, I should make it clear that if you d ...

The Foolproof BJJ Escape (Works EVERY Time!)...

April 22nd, 2016 at 6:19 am CDT

Friend, I have used this escape many times in training. Many, many times. Until next time, Mike Quick-start Guide to My Books and Resources:- Looking for a list of books and resources I ...

How To Raise Your Dojo's Tuition Rates...

April 21st, 2016 at 7:49 am CDT

Friend, So now that we know we've been massively undercharging people, how do we raise our rates without losing all our students? Simple. We don't. "Huh? Massie, you're off your rocker. How am I going to raise my rates, without raising my rates?" Her ...