Subject: Is Stargazing could be lethal to your marriage?

Is Stargazing could be lethal to your marriage?

March 19th, 2018 at 1:03 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Years ago, I took my then spouse to a Star Party.Her first ever: It was Starfest.I made it clear that it was a working weekend for me (Khan Scope sets up a sales display booth and hang outwith friends and customers and discuss important ...

Why Astrology is on the upswing, and formal religion sinking fast

March 18th, 2018 at 1:15 pm EDT

Hello Friend,What can you do about it? Do you even care? More to follow shortly.I just read a Globe and Mail article on why Astrology is so popular today amongst millennials and other "intelligent and educated" adults.With formal religion on the down ...

Can you name one famous Irish astronomer?

March 17th, 2018 at 8:59 am EDT

Hello Friend,Top o' the morning to you, lads and lassies.I'll tell you about a brilliant Irish astronomer in a moment whose name I'm sure you'll recognize.When in Ireland a few weeks ago, I took in much of the culture.What culture do you ask specific ...

Celestron Advanced VX Telescopes & AVX mount now on sale

March 16th, 2018 at 9:33 am EDT

Hello Friend,It looks like signs of Spring are finally starting to show.(It's -6 in Toronto, and sunny and that's an improvement!)So it's time to consider dusting off your telescope and getting it ready for better times.Or possibly it's time to consi ...

Not getting emails from Ray at Khanscope? Here is why, please respond .

March 14th, 2018 at 8:19 pm EDT

Have your email messages from Khanscope not been showing up for the past while?If so, here's why: We changed email servers, and somehow the process managed to possibly lose youremail address.Yeah, I know backups and all that. Cloud? You mean we weren ...

Cyber Monday Madness ending at Midnite. 90 minutes left.

November 27th, 2017 at 10:26 pm EDT

Last kick at the can.1) Free Shipping on all orders over $200. (use the discount code: blackfriday on checkout)2)Free Shipping on all orders over $499 plus you will get a FREE Meade Green Laser Pointer ($69 value) at no charge to boot. (It's added ...

Cyber Monday Madness. Does not get better than this!

November 27th, 2017 at 1:42 pm EDT

First it was Black Friday.Today is Cyber Monday.We just received another truckload of inventory WE HAVE STOCK!You don't want to miss out. Super deals and Free shipping?What's not to like?Here is what is on offer today:1) Free Shipping on all orders o ...

Black Friday Madness continues. Free shipping and Free Green Laser pointer ($69.95)

November 26th, 2017 at 10:28 am EDT

This is gonna have to be quick:Let me spell it out:Online Orders only:1) Free Shipping on all orders over $200!2) Free shipping and a Free Meade Green Laser Pointer on all orders over $499!How do you do it?Simply enter the discount code: blackfridayw ...

Why you don't want to miss our Black Friday Sales

November 25th, 2017 at 11:49 am EDT

This is likely the best Black Friday sale we have ever had at Khan Scope Centre.SUPER BONUS: FREE shipping on all orders over $200, and you get an FREE Meade Green Laser Pointer($69.95 Value) at no charge with any online order over $499.So many disco ...

How to recover from Thanksgiving Malarkey

October 9th, 2017 at 10:26 am EDT

Hello Friend,Well I could have just shut my piehole for startersI just couldn't however.After stuffing my face yesterday with Baby Back Ribs, Jalapeno Corn Bread, and Key Lime Pie and St. Ambroise Beer, this morning I woke up feeling like a stuffed b ...

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