Subject: Because, Patriarchy!

Because, Patriarchy!

April 11th, 2018 at 2:18 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Am I becoming obsolete in our current state of affairs and society? Old school or old fool. Well, you tell me! The political correctness these days is over the top. And nobody wants to talk about it.Why?"Because Patriarchy!" is the famil ...

Apparently some people are not enjoying my messages. Here is a solution!

April 9th, 2018 at 2:28 pm EDT

Hello Friend,At the end of every email I send out, there is a link at the bottom to "unsubscribe "All you have to do is click on it, if you don't want to receive any further messages from me.Simple you would think, right? Not so for some, it seems.If ...

The Inconvenient Indian, and it's not Tonto, Kemosabe.

April 8th, 2018 at 10:25 am EDT

Hello Friend,Ever heard of the book "The Inconvenient Indian?"It was brilliant and was a Canadian Bestseller when released in 2013.This weekend I was in Guelph, Ontario attending an opening reception for an art gallery.I happened to bump into the aut ...

Annoying Dudes in the mall wearing lumberjack shirts. Gimme a break!

April 6th, 2018 at 12:27 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Warning: Safe space alert, if you might be offended by certain truths.On Manitoulin Island the standard uniform is a lumberjack style shirt, Jeans and workboots.Some guys have beards.Why? Because it's practical. It's how I dress because ...

Watch out! The Mercury Glitch is in full force today

April 5th, 2018 at 9:45 am EDT

Hello Friend,Earlier this week I was talking to a long time customer and he was telling me to watch out for theupcoming "Mercury glitch" this week.What is it?Well according to astrologers "Mercury bumps into Mars and Saturn" midweek.So electronics, c ...

New Promotion Begins today

April 4th, 2018 at 1:42 pm EDT

Save hundreds of dollars on the Celestron CGEM II Equatorial Mount and Telescope Packages during the month of April! You can choose between classic Schmidt-Cassegrain optics and Celestron's cutting-edge aplanatic EdgeHD system for your new telescope ...

It's down to the wire now, this offer ends at Midnite.

April 2nd, 2018 at 10:11 pm EDT

Hello Friend,In just a few hours, the Meade ETX 125 Maksutov Cassegrain savings of $100 will be over."Mr Accountant" had to admit that the sale was a good way of solving our inventory woeseven though we took a loss on each unit.Originally he had stat ...

Sooner or later, Love is going to get ya'

April 2nd, 2018 at 9:12 am EDT

Hello Friend,Spring is here (well around the corner anyway).And Love is in the air.Yes, the love of astronomy for sure, you will be more motivated to wipe the dust off your telescope and actuallythink about taking it out and using it.But I am talking ...

Why I'm quitting the telescope business, once and for all

April 1st, 2018 at 8:58 am EDT

Hello Friend,April Fools!Now don't get me wrong here. I actually have considered packing it in on occasion. The reason I won't though because it's too much fun! This is such a great hobby and it just get's better.As Confucious, the ancient Chinese ph ...

Social Justice Warrior alert: This email may be offensive to some

March 31st, 2018 at 9:06 am EDT

Hello Friend,We are living in a politically incorrect world today.It's becoming an epidemic in fact.Our Universities, once the bastion of free thought and critical thinking skills have now become Institutes of "If I don't agree with your opinion, I a ...

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