Subject: Bigger, thicker arms...(here's how to get 'em)

Bigger, thicker arms...(here's how to get 'em)

March 19th, 2023 at 4:38 pm EDT

If you've been having a hard time building the rock-solid, sleeve-stretching arms you want, this workout is for you... Big, thick arms command respect, however, most training programs don't go about building them the right way. Hamm ...

How I gained 20 solid pounds in 6 weeks...(complete program)

March 18th, 2023 at 6:31 am EDT

I did it by massively increasing my training the point of being pretty much ridiculous! frequency is truly one of the KEY factors for serious muscle growth and strength gains. I'll tell you flat ...

The PERFECT way to use negatives to build your bench press FAST...

March 17th, 2023 at 5:14 pm EDT

If you want to build your bench press, negative training is GREAT way to do it. The standard way of doing negatives drastically limits your gains by only allowing you to use as much weight as you can handle on the weakest point of the exercis ...

6-minute workout finishers that reverse low testosterone...

March 16th, 2023 at 11:23 am EDT

Low testosterone is not a good situation...neither from the muscle-building perspective OR the health perspective. The good news is, it CAN be reversed through targeted training (like the 6-minute finishers I mentioned) and some simple lifestyle chan ...

Get a tighter waist & stronger core...with this LEG exercise...

March 15th, 2023 at 11:24 am EDT

This is a fantastic total lower body exercise that also brings in the deep core muscles to help tighten the waist and strengthen the connection of the core to the lower body. All you need is a barbell! Check out this great finisher fo ...

Does HIIT work if you're over 40? [fixed link]

March 14th, 2023 at 7:16 am EDT

(Just FYI, I had sent this a few weeks ago but there was an issue with the page - that's all fixed now!) --- So does HIIT work if you're over 40? This is actually a really good question... My answer is this... Yes and ...

5 tips for the perfect power-building overhead press...

March 13th, 2023 at 5:36 pm EDT

Overhead pressing power is a key component of overall strength. This setup for the overhead (Military) press is what I've found to be the perfect way to maximize power and loading on the shoulders for building serious strength. Noth ...

How to kill your fat cells...

March 12th, 2023 at 3:33 pm EDT

And yes, this is for has actual science behind it. Here's how it works... As I'm sure you know, fat cells are basically little bags of fat. When you burn fat, you empty out those fat bags. But those littl ...

This exercise is a beast… you should try it…

March 11th, 2023 at 11:20 am EDT

I'll tell you right off the bat, this one is absolutely every sense of the word, from start to finish. If that sounds good to you, you're in the right place. Basically, this is a leg/core/upper-back strengthening combinati ...

"Sneak" 5 easy pounds of muscle onto your body in 3 weeks...

March 10th, 2023 at 4:26 pm EDT

Are you training TOO hard to build muscle? For real. I know that sounds weird and wrong...but it might be EXACTLY what's stopping you from building the maximum mass that you're actually capable of building, especially if you're over 4 ...

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