Subject: MUCH better DB curls (simple fix)...

MUCH better DB curls (simple fix)...

July 31st, 2022 at 2:41 pm EDT

This one is quick and easy and is something you can do without looking too crazy at the gym :). It's a very simple setup trick you can use with an incline bench to make your curls more effective (barbell or dumbbell). It takes the str ...

Are protein supplements a waste of your money?

July 30th, 2022 at 4:32 pm EDT

The answer is very possibly yes. Because here's the thing...that saying "you are what you eat" is NOT entirely true... In reality, you are what you ABSORB. You can eat all the food you want, but if the nutrients aren't getting ...

Get a PUMP in your rear delts like nothing you've ever felt before...

July 29th, 2022 at 12:46 pm EDT

If you have an issue developing your rear delts (and in particular, feeling your rear delts working), this is an exercise you will absolutely want to try. It's starts with a normal rear delt bent-over lateral raise, but adds in a little twist ...

Get 5 bottles of turmeric for the price of 1...crazy good deal...

July 28th, 2022 at 3:01 pm EDT

Yep...Get Four FREE Bottles of Turmeric...5 Bottles For the Price of One If you've never tried turmeric before (or even if you have), you'll like this... Right now you can get THREE FOUR free bottles of an excellent turmeric supplemen ...

This GREAT back exercise looks just INSANE...

July 27th, 2022 at 6:41 pm EDT

(hey, you don't come to me for normal, right). This unique setup gives you assistance out of the bottom of the pull-up and resistance at the top...all with one band! This will give you an amazing challenge (and pump) for ...

10 minute morning ritual to DOUBLE your energy levels...

July 26th, 2022 at 7:16 am EDT

What if you could invest 10 minutes every morning for the next month to DOUBLE your energy levels? Interested? I m excited to share a new live virtual event with you from energy expert Ari Whitten. He s teaching a new system that he s ...

The LA trick for burning stubborn fat...

July 25th, 2022 at 5:21 pm EDT

Of course, LA doesn't stand for Los Angeles here...its stands for Lactic Acid... And this Lactic Acid Training method is designed to hormonlly target stubborn fat. This method cranks up the Growth Hormone to unlock that stubborn fat a ...

Out-drive your golf buddies...every...single...time...

July 24th, 2022 at 2:01 pm EDT

They'll be standing there beside their golf cart, with their jaws hanging open, after you walk up to the tee box, set your ball up, then casually BLAST it 30 yards further down the fairway than they EVER have even on their best day...straight as an a ...

2 Bar Landmine Sit-Ups...KILLER ab training...

July 23rd, 2022 at 7:31 am EDT

The sit-up can actually be a great exercise for developing core strength and for targeting the six-pack abs. This new variation creates a push/pull dynamic that takes out hip flexors while increasing tension on the six-pack abs (I also found ...

Are your shoes making your feet "stupid?"

July 22nd, 2022 at 7:32 am EDT

I know that sounds weird...hear me out... Your feet are not solid stumps of meat and bone. When you're walking barefoot in your house, the bones of your feet and toes shift and move...just like they should. However, when you ...

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