Subject: 🔵 Saturday quicky?

🔵 Saturday quicky?

April 23rd, 2022 at 8:32 am EDT

Got time for a Saturday quickly before you get on with your day? It's Saturday, so I won't take up your time with a long email. But, here's what I will say if you are trying to build or start a business that gets you free from your current situati ...

🔵 [HBA Updates] Is your business growing?

April 22nd, 2022 at 4:39 pm EDT

Hey Friend... I haven't heard much from you, so I wanted to check in and see where you need the most help. The $25 All in One offer continues to be out converting anything we've ever done here at HBA, and it's not even close. It's converting like ...

🔵 Oops... did you miss this?

April 22nd, 2022 at 1:54 pm EDT

Don't worry... I've got you. Here's everything you may have missed this week in one email I know that you get busy during the week, and you probably get 1,000 emails on top of it. So, here's this weeks recap of all the cool Freedom Business know ...

🔵 Does freedom heal you? Wow, this works

April 21st, 2022 at 1:12 pm EDT

The crazy part is that I learned that just going to my J.O.B was literally making me sick... I recorded a new podcast episode today that you may want to listen to if living a long, healthy life is important to you. A life where you have the time, ...

🔵 Want more sales? (without selling). [New Podcast Episode]

April 20th, 2022 at 8:58 am EDT

I sent you this new podcast episode yesterday and I wanted to make sure that you actually listened to it. Crazily enough, most people who open emails, are just creepy lurkers who don't click. Even when a person who has been successfully creating sa ...

🔵 How to get people to throw 💲 at you

April 19th, 2022 at 7:11 pm EDT

If you know this one thing, you can have people throwing $ at you for life [JUST RELEASED] The #1 Secret That Makes it Psychologically Impossible For People Not to Buy Stuff From You... PLUS, Compels Them to Happily Throw $ at You For Life! In a ...

🔵 Took my underage Daughter to a bar (on Good Friday)

April 18th, 2022 at 7:03 pm EDT

Yep... blasphemy, right? Taking your daughter to a bar is bad enough, but on Good Friday, Nick? Not only did I take my underage Daughter to a bar... I took her on Good Friday!!! Isn't that like a double dose of sin for a Christian man, Nick? F ...

🔵 God called me. I put Him on hold

April 15th, 2022 at 2:46 pm EDT

If you got a call directly from God, would you talk to Him, or put Him on hold? I am sending this to everyone. My list. My friends. My customers. My partners in HBA. Everyone. Why? Because I dropped the ball a little, and I want you ALL to ...

🔵 Want to become a top GIVER?

April 13th, 2022 at 11:10 am EDT

Would you love to have the unlimited capacity to give your time, wealth and resources to others? I hear a lot of companies and gurus talk a ton about being a top earner. But is all you really want in life to earn? If you're like me, and I am gue ...

🔵 [NEW Resource] Close HBA sales on autopilot

April 12th, 2022 at 9:59 am EDT

Hey Friend... It just got WAY easier to automatically (without you having to do it)... Answer any and all questions your potential customers and HBA partners may have which means... You Can More Easily Get More HBA Sales on Auto-Pilot! Paul Hutch ...