Subject: 🔵 Brand New Team Site for HBA

🔵 Brand New Team Site for HBA

April 1st, 2022 at 2:23 pm EDT

I was blown away when I learned how much easier it was to be rich than be broke. I just put together this brand new Freedom Revolution Team site for you and any of your HBA customers. Check it out. This makes it WAY easier for you to get started ...

🔵 I was so wrong about you. Sorry

April 1st, 2022 at 1:55 pm EDT

I was so wrong about you and it almost cost me everything I've ever wanted in life. I was so completely wrong about this, and it almost cost me the last 17 years of fun... Adventure. Purpose. And endless time doing what I love with who I love. ...

🔵 This is WAY easier than you think

March 31st, 2022 at 7:00 am EDT

I was blown away when I learned how much easier it was to be rich than be broke. If you want to know the secret that makes it WAY easier to be one of the top 1-4% financially... Then you'll definitely want to press play and listen to this short a ...

🔵 You up late tonight?

March 29th, 2022 at 9:40 pm EDT

If you're up late, I've got a special little surprise that will multiply $1 bills on demand So, when you wake up tomorrow, you can get this for a buck... And all you'll have is some temporary fake energy to make it through that same blah day you ...

🔵 Read. Listen. Watch. (what's your preference)

March 28th, 2022 at 12:25 pm EDT

Do you prefer to read, listen to audios or podcasts, or watch videos? I'd really love to have your input on this. I want to deliver you my content in a way you actually enjoy consuming it. Let me know. Thanks for spending 30 seconds to get back. ...

🔵 Nothing to sell here

March 25th, 2022 at 10:57 am EDT

I am sure you get a gazillion offers in your inbox to buy stuff daily. This isn't one of them Happy Friday Friend! I am sure you get a gazillion email messages in your inbox daily trying to sell you something. This isn't one of them. I just wan ...

🔵 WOWZERS! 617 got paid with this (and 111,000 fed)

March 24th, 2022 at 10:11 am EDT

It's working! 617 people just like you got paid with this PLUS we fed over 111,000 children Just found out from one of the co-founders of this amazing company that 617 people just like you have been paid already. PLUS, and this is super cool... ...

🔵 what does it cost?

March 23rd, 2022 at 11:12 am EDT

Were you wondering how much it was going to cost to have an online business? Just read an amazing quote from my good friend Paul. He wrote... Building a business from home isn't always easy. Neither is living in the control of a boss tyrant, le ...

🔵 How I turned $25 into 59k

March 22nd, 2022 at 7:15 pm EDT

Ok... so now it's proven again. When are you going to have your turn? Just about to hit 60k on a $25 business, and now it's your turn. I don't send this $25 link very often, so take advantage. What's amazing to me about this offer is that even ...

🔵 The day I gave the middle finger to jobs

March 22nd, 2022 at 8:07 am EDT

This is the day that I finally drew my line in the sand and said I'm never going back! Just 3 weeks before Christmas in 2004, I came home jobless. Having been let go from my job in a money saving cut. I had an 8 month old daughter. I had anoth ...