Subject: 🔵 want all my personal pics and vids Friend?

🔵 want all my personal pics and vids Friend?

June 24th, 2022 at 1:44 pm EDT

If you want immediate and ongoing access to all of my personal pictures, videos, and stuff that most people don't see. Hey Friend... I'm not sure if you got this or not yesterday, so I wanted to resend it. I will be out on the boat with family al ...

🔵 Here's all my deets Friend

June 23rd, 2022 at 7:47 pm EDT

I've been AWOL for a bit trying to figure out my path in this crazy marketing world. I think I figured it out. Hey Friend... I have been a little bit AWOL lately. I almost apologized, but truthfully... I think we all need a little time away to re ...

🔵 please just stop Friend

June 21st, 2022 at 9:03 am EDT

At some point, you've got to get a little tired of the same ol' crap that brought you here, right? ** Blatant Ad **Partner With Multiple 7 Figure Earners.Get Real Personal Help Daily, and...Step into a Ready Made $2.2 Million Dollar Business Here. ...

🔵 I fell off the wagon again Friend

June 16th, 2022 at 6:48 pm EDT

Ugh... darn it. Nobody is safe from mistakes and sometimes even after 17 years, you blow it... Hi Friend... If you're wondering why I have been a little more quiet lately... It's because I have been re-thinking my entire business model. Wait N ...

🔵 Holy Petrol Friend. $7 a gallon for gas?

June 15th, 2022 at 9:02 am EDT

If your wages haven't increased 2.5x over the last 18 months, you're potentially screwed right now. SOLUTION: It's here if you want to avoid the gloomy part of this email. PROBLEM: It's pretty crazy, but gas prices here in Michigan have gone up ov ...

🔵 He got 2 sales while at work!

June 14th, 2022 at 7:12 pm EDT

Read this to see how Cornelius got 2 sales in 3 days while he was at work. I know you're worried that you might not have the time to build a business online. But, what if you could set something up to work FOR YOU (get leads and sales) while you w ...

🔵 Mondays don't have to suck

June 13th, 2022 at 10:53 am EDT

They can be as amazing and fun and adventurous and purpose filled as YOU want them to be. I'm not sending any content today. My son asked me to go golfing. It's beautiful out today. The course isn't crowded because most people are stuck in their ...

🔵 What happened this week changed me (forever)

June 9th, 2022 at 3:43 pm EDT

I got an opportunity to serve this week in a way that changed the way I look at you, my business, and so much more I have been a little quiet this week, but my week hasn't been quiet for sure. In fact, it's been one of the most energizing, enlight ...

🔵 Oops - I screwed that up. This is better

June 7th, 2022 at 7:24 pm EDT

Darn it... I really screwed that up, but here's the quick fix so you can get what you were supposed to Not sure what happened there, but the email I sent this morning with this video everyone was raving about was weirdly spaced out. There were hug ...

🔵 My vision of 100k for you

June 7th, 2022 at 8:47 am EDT

I've been having this vision of 100k and you always seem to be in it. What do you think it means? This week has been a whirlwind of inspiration, and fun, and just pure energy and excitement! I am so excited for our future Friend! I talk about tha ...