Subject: 🔵 Would an extra 2k this month help?

🔵 Would an extra 2k this month help?

July 27th, 2022 at 9:46 am EDT

Imagine your monthly income growing by 1k every single month whether you worked more or not. Good morning, Friend... Just wanted to show you this message Hansie just posted in our group about his All in One business results... (make sure images ...

🔵 Want my 167k per month business? (PROOF inside)

July 26th, 2022 at 9:24 am EDT

Be honest Friend... You want the wealth, and time, and freedom found here... And you want it NOW You're tired of downloading free PDF docs and ebooks. You're tired of scrolling TikTok for hours a day. You're tired of searching YouTube for the an ...

🔵 Want income AND impact? (awesome video)

July 23rd, 2022 at 10:05 am EDT

Income is great, but any job can give you that. Here's how to create generational wealth AND impact the world at the same time. Good morning Friend... I've been talking a lot about how you can create an amazing income here, but if you crave somet ...

🔵 Funniest Income Disclaimer Ever 🤣

July 22nd, 2022 at 9:31 am EDT

HILARIOUS. This may be the funniest income disclaimer that I have ever written. I don't want like to be a bragger... But, I love it I had such a good time with yesterday's email, and got such a great response to it that I wanted to make sure you sa ...

🔵 They made 10k while you were thinking

July 21st, 2022 at 3:26 pm EDT

Ha, ha... this may be the funniest email that I have ever written. I don't want top brag too much. But, I love it Let's just get you right off that fence Friend! Because while you've been thinking about changing your life and creating more wealth, ...

🔵 How to make 24 sales NOT working

July 20th, 2022 at 2:18 pm EDT

I've barely worked a single second over the last week and still 24 sales poured into my bank account Hi Friend... If you've been wondering if this 30 Minute Workday concept I've been talking about works... Here's some proof that it does... Cou ...

🔵 How to trade $25 for 2 million 🤑

July 19th, 2022 at 1:02 pm EDT

No joke. You can right now today trade $25 for 2 million. Seems like a crazy joke, but details are inside Seems like a crazy joke, right? You give somebody $25 and they immediately hand you 2 million??? But, that's what you get when you decide th ...

🔵 Still looking for me Friend?

July 18th, 2022 at 1:23 pm EDT

You finally found me after all of that time and money spent, so what the heck are you doing? You finally found me, Friend! All that time spent. All that money spent. All the frustrated hours trying to figure out the guru way to create the life y ...

🔵 Cold. Faceless. Dying

July 12th, 2022 at 1:47 pm EDT

How's that for a grim way to step into your Tuesday? But, I promise that there is more light than dark inside Hi Friend... I know... I know. Kind of a grim subject line for an email, right? And as an introvert myself, those words really weren't ...

Hi Friend. Can we talk?

July 11th, 2022 at 2:03 pm EDT

Hi Friend... I just wanted to reach out and say hi, and see if you were still open to coming back to HBA. Or, if there was anything that I could do to help serve you in a better way. If you have any questions at all, please reach out. Hit reply to ...