Subject: So many things happened this week!💌 - SimplyCubaTours

So many things happened this week!💌 - SimplyCubaTours

October 22nd, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, How are you this week? So many things have happened! Most exciting is that many of you can now travel and see your loved ones! I am genuinely happy for you. I am especially glad to see that one of our supporters will get to ma ...

Cuban Newsletter time! 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

October 15th, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, Como estas? I have to say as much as I was having a shitty week last week, it was great to get some good news! So 7 out of 10 airports opened on Monday! Woohoo!!! Varadero is 100% confirmed to open to tourists tomorrow. Althou ...

Breaking News! 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

October 10th, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, BREAKING NEWS!!!Made my day, even though I personally cannot travel, but am loving being the bearer of great news... and hopefully the changes mean that we can get out guys back to work sooner, rather than later!And the news i ...

Cuban Newsletter time! 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

October 8th, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, How are you this week? I have to say so far I have been struggling... today marks exactly 10 months and 1 week since I have seen my partner. My trip back to Cuba in April, I thought waiting till than was bad enough! And now I ...

What's happening in Cuba 💌 - SimplyCuba

September 30th, 2020 at 10:01 pm AEST

View onlineHola Friend, Here we are at the end of September. Not sure about your end of the World, but in Cuba that marks 7 months of border closures. Out of which about half was spent at various lockdowns, quarantines and the like. Funnily enough th ...

Latest Cuba Update 💌 - SimplyCuba

September 24th, 2020 at 1:11 pm AEST

View onlineHola Friend, Another week having gone by quickly. Which is rather exciting, it means we must be getting closer to things going back to normal... Surely! It's been 7 months since the world has come to a halt... I guess we have seen some goo ...

Latest Cuba Update 💌 - SimplyCuba

September 17th, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, How are you on this wonderful day? Did you have a good week? Here in Australia the weather is getting better, at least I can start enjoying sunshine and with that my 3 daily walks, which is the most exciting thing I can think ...

A big week of changes for Cuba 💌 - SimplyCuba

September 10th, 2020 at 1:33 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, Como estas? I have to say I am wondering where on earth the week has gone? Today I had to take some time to slow down and catch my breath... Some of you may know that Simply Cuba is part Australian and part Cuban Company. Pers ...