Subject: Happy New Year Friend! 🍀🎉🥂 - SimplyCubaTours

Happy New Year Friend! 🍀🎉🥂 - SimplyCubaTours

December 31st, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, Here we are at the end of 2020! We MADE IT! Is it time to yell Jumanji??? What a year this has been. Constant changes, freedoms taken away, travel restricted, and people torn apart from their loved ones, just to name a few. 20 ...

Merry Christmas Friend! 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

December 24th, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, How are you on this wonderful day? Hope all is going well. I can't believe that it is nearly Christmas!!! Wow! Where has the year gone? And what a year has it been! Just wanted to pop by to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! ...

We decided 2021 is going to be amazing! Are you with us Friend? 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

December 17th, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, Como estas? I have to say, I was hoping that things were starting to get back to normal with the roll out of vaccines around the world, but it seems not to be the case with UK now being on a staged plan and Canada going back i ...

Friend, Can you believe Christmas is in 16 days 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

December 10th, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, How are you on this amazing day? I have to say I am super excited as after weeks of failing internet connection, Yoanis and I managed to actually video chat, woohoo! Makes my month to actually have a real conversation and not ...

Friend, sorry I'm late this week... 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

December 3rd, 2020 at 2:22 pm AEST

View onlineHola Friend, How are you this week! I am sorry I missed my normal mailing time, seems like Cuba wasn't the only one affected with bad internet connection this week! Have been experiencing the same on this end... Have to say I was reminisci ...

Last week's changes in Cuba 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

November 26th, 2020 at 2:22 am AEST

Secure your discount for your 2021 Cuba Holiday! BLACKFRIDAYLimited Time Offer30% DISCOUNT CODEBLCKFRDY2020. CHECK SIMPLY CUBA TOURS Your 30% discount code is valid for all tour bookings made from Now till 31 December 2021. Hola Friend, I want ...

Last week's changes in Cuba 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

November 19th, 2020 at 2:22 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, I'd like to say a massive 'Thank you!' to all who sent birthday wishes for Yoanis. It lit up his day 💕 Probably the best thing that happened last week... How are your areas going? Here in Australia we were about to have som ...

What do you think about the US Elections Friend? 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

November 12th, 2020 at 1:11 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, Well, how is that election result in the US??? I have to say when I saw that it was 'stuck' with both parties well under 270 votes for what seemed like 2 days on my end, I was thinking anything can happen. Right now, I am kind ...

Friend find out what's new this week 💌 - SimplyCubaTours

November 5th, 2020 at 2:22 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, Como fue tu semana? Hopefully nice and relaxing, not too stressful. Anyone would think that the virus has slowed things down... and whilst many things have literally stopped, with the restart I am finding that there are change ...

Will Havana open on 1 November?💌 - SimplyCubaTours

October 29th, 2020 at 2:22 am AEST

View onlineHola Friend, This week has been a little slow on my end. Spent the weekend in training with The Travel Bootcamp Team, which was fun. I am looking forward to show you things I learnt from it 😉 It was also great to see more routes opening ...