Subject: Yes, this will cure gout or I refund you!

Yes, this will cure gout or I refund you!

November 4th, 2015 at 1:37 pm PDT

Friend, Yes! Without a doubt, Joint FX ( will cure gout. I get this question weekly! Without a doubt, Joint FX will dissolve painful gout crystals (uric acid) in a matter of hours to days! It works that fast. Taken over time, ...

~Why Obama Keeping Troops in Afghanistan

November 4th, 2015 at 6:59 am PDT

Friend, I don't watch the news. Unfortunately, it plays at the gym when I'm crushing The 18-Minute Workout. And it never fails to infuriate me. Mainly, because I can't believe people believe it and voluntarily watch it. The recent headlines we ...

~Curcumin Overstock Special! (Ends today)

October 31st, 2015 at 6:52 am PDT

Friend, Happy Halloween! With four kids, face painting has alreadybegun! Fortunately, they waited until the sun came up...Ah,sleeping in until 6:15 feels amazing. Tonight, my kids will gather up as much candy as they can, then sell it back to us for ...

~Dear Teacher, Don’t Label Any of My Kids with ADD/ADHD!

October 30th, 2015 at 7:41 am PDT

I've been getting blasted with emails from parents asking what they should do about their kids ADD/ADHD...Give me a break! Stop letting teachers label your kids! That's where you can start. What kid isn't hyper? What kid enjoys sitting in classroom ...

~2 Year Old Brings Home Nasty Stuff!

October 29th, 2015 at 9:13 am PDT

Friend, My 2 year old, Skyler, lives in non-stop attack mode. He doesn't stop moving until he passes out at 7:30 am. If he's not climbing chairs and tables, he's rolling around dirty wrestling mats with his brother. Just last weekend he chipped his ...

~Few people will do this to lose 10lbs.

October 28th, 2015 at 4:12 pm PDT

Friend, I've been in the "losing weight" business for over twenty years! It started as a high school and collegiate wrestler and continued into my biology and chemistry studies. Still, nothing has changed. Very few people will take 1-hour to si ...

~Breaking News: Eye Pokes Hurt, Sugar is Toxic!

October 28th, 2015 at 6:42 am PDT

Friend, Scientists have recently linked sugar to disease. “Experts say they have hard data that proves ‘sugar is toxic irrespective of its calories…and weight!’” says Time Magazine. In other breaking news, scientists have also discovered ...

~This type of sleep cures cancer?

October 27th, 2015 at 4:01 pm PDT

Friend, As many people know, my 14 year old daughter Lily started a soap business. It grew from her troubles in school. At 13 years old, she took on her math work solo. She refused help every step of the way. Further, her personality collided with ...

~Blair on Weight for Wrestling Nationals

October 27th, 2015 at 10:27 am PDT

Friend, This last weekend I took my son to Vegas to compete in the USA Wrestling Nationals. Thousands of kids and double the parents pushed their way into the Las Vegas Convention Center to compete against the best in the country. At 10 years ol ...

~How good does this joint product work?

October 23rd, 2015 at 12:37 pm PDT

Why So Many People Are Talking About Joint FX Healing Gout and Joints In a Matter of Weeks Results speak for themselves! See both circles above. These are real testimonials from real people, not paid actors or celebrity ...

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