Subject: ~How to Tell If Your Vitamins are CONTAMINATED! (NEW BLOG)

~How to Tell If Your Vitamins are CONTAMINATED! (NEW BLOG)

December 7th, 2015 at 5:42 am PDT

Friend, My sidekick (10 year old son Blair) said, "I think you're going to put some companies out of business with this blog." ...I was posting last night and he wanted to check out my site. He had a hunch what The People's Chemist was. But this o ...

~4 Hours Left on 20% Off Sale! Hurry!

December 5th, 2015 at 1:40 pm PDT

Friend, Only 4 hours left for my 20% off Relief FX sale! Get your all natural pain relief here: I rarely offer sales, but when I do, I call this my "outrage sale." According to a study from the American Journal of Gastroenterolo ...

My Healthy Holiday Gift Guide

December 5th, 2015 at 6:36 am PDT

Friend, With most of my products sold out, you can't really count on giving them as gifts! So, in light of my low stock, I thought I'd send a quick shopping guide. Gourmet chocolate is at the very top of my list! Learn all about it here: www.thep ...

Sold Out Alert!

December 4th, 2015 at 11:41 am PDT

Friend, This is a courtesy email to let you know that I am completely sold out of the following products: - The AM-PM Fat Loss Discovery package - Thermo FX AM - Thermo FX PM - Joint FX - Serotonin FX I am LOW stock on: Daily Dose Cardio FX Immun ...

~Latest Science Behind Nature's Antibiotic

December 3rd, 2015 at 12:48 pm PDT

Friend, I just got another email from a fan using Immune FX! This one is especially exciting because it kept him out of the dentist chair and off prescription antibiotics. He had an abscessed tooth. An infection of the roots or gums, it got so ba ...

World's Greatest Immune Booster! Nothing Even Comes Close.

December 2nd, 2015 at 6:54 pm PDT

Friend, My Give-o-F#ck Meter pretty much rests at zero. Unless of course I have an electrical failure while flying the hectic airspace of Los Angeles, which means I have no communications, navigation, or lights - just a crisp paper map that's folded ...

~This Is Not Fat Shaming America

December 2nd, 2015 at 8:34 am PDT

Friend, A recent Yahoo Health article is celebrating a 5'8" woman who currently weighs 165 pounds, from 345lbs a few years ago. I saw her before and after pics and thought, "She lost weight? Where?" Being overweight comes with serious health comp ...

81 YO Ditches BP Meds, Gets Stronger Heart!

December 1st, 2015 at 8:47 am PDT

Friend, Genetics are no excuse for poor health. It's the habits that are most detrimental. Think about it. The family that eats like shit is going to feel like shit. The family who slathers on synthetic sunblocks are going to have kids with the sa ...

~It's not the L-tryptophan making you sleepy

November 26th, 2015 at 1:54 pm PDT

Friend, My 2 year old Skyler didn't disappoint. He was up at 6am sharp! on this holiday morning! He has outgrown "dada" and is now in full blown dad mode. (Something about yelling dad feels a little more bossy and annoying than dada...) Imagine a ...

~Letter from CEO: Holiday Product Update

November 25th, 2015 at 2:01 pm PDT

Friend, We're getting bombarded with emails from fans inquiring about Black Friday Sales. First and foremost, I hope everyone has a fantastic holiday break. These are times we live for, right? Spending vacations with loved ones is priceless. And, ...

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