Subject: Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Closings Dwarf New Listings, and Major New Program from Fannie and Freddie

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Closings Dwarf New Listings, and Major New Program from Fannie and Freddie

July 19th, 2013 at 11:33 pm MST

Good morning Friend, Closings in Paradise Valley again outpaced newlistings with 13 closings versus only 6 new listingsto replace them. Hopefully we will see a bouncein new listings when the weather cools, until thenit appears that an unusually large ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 17 New Listings, Property Taxes, and Shadow Inventory

July 12th, 2013 at 11:33 pm MST

Good morning Friend, I hope you had a terrific 4th of July holiday.This week brings a double edition as we didn'tpublish the newsletter over the holiday. The market didn't slow down with 22 closingsin the past 2 weeks, outnumbering the 17 newlisting ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 13 New Listings

June 28th, 2013 at 11:30 pm MST

Good morning Friend, For the second week in a row, 30% of thehouses listed in PV are already undercontract -- 4 out of 13. If you are not alreadyreceiving daily MLS updates and notificationsregarding homes not on the MLS, pleaseclick here to remedy t ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 10 New Listings including the Largest Home in Paradise Valley

June 21st, 2013 at 11:33 pm MST

Good morning Friend, 30% of the houses listed in the past week inPV are already under contract -- 3 out of 10.Buyers have got to be fast in this market, ifyou're not already receiving daily updates andpersonal service regarding off MLS homes,please c ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 12 New Listings and Real Estate Bubble Analysis

June 15th, 2013 at 12:33 am MST

Good morning Friend, Real estate has been figuring very prominently inthe national and global news lately, with pricesjumping up quickly in many major markets: * Banks are foreclosing at higher rates nowbecause they have confidence they'll be able to ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Lots of New Listings but Inventory Remains Flat Due to Strong Sales

June 8th, 2013 at 12:33 am MST

Good morning Friend, A point of order please before we get to the businessof Paradise Valley real estate: This newsletter will be switching to a new emaildelivery mechanism in approximately one week.To make sure that you receive this newsletterafter ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Inventory Drops in PV for 3rd Week in a Row, Pace Accelerates

June 1st, 2013 at 12:33 am MST

Good morning Friend, For a very specific reason, this is an incredible timeto list a home in Paradise Valley, just in case you'vebeen sitting on the fence: there were only 2 new listingsin Paradise Valley last week. Thus, by default any property that ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Shrinking Inventory and an Update from Washington DC

May 25th, 2013 at 12:33 am MST

Good morning Friend, I attended a seminar hosted by 3 lawyers and thechief of a title company yesterday to betterunderstand the impact of the Dodd Frank Act, andthe new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.After 3 hours I can safely say this: in 2005 ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Big Drop in Listings and Big News from Arizona Legislature

May 18th, 2013 at 12:19 am MST

Good morning Friend, This week represents the largest weekly dropin Paradise Valley home inventory we've seenin quite some time, with 16 homes closed andjust 8 new listings to replace them -- one of thenew listings is already under contract. Therewas ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Record 26 New Listings and Investment Update

May 11th, 2013 at 12:33 am MST

Hi Friend, There's a lot of big news in real estate toshare with you this week. Phoenix is the 3rd most profitable marketin the United States to flip homes. I've beenencouraging my investors to engage in thisstrategy for the past couple of years, an ...