Subject: Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 7 New Listings

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 7 New Listings

August 20th, 2012 at 10:05 pm MST

Good morning Friend,It's pretty clear that sellers are aware thatthey're in a stronger position than they'vebeen in a while, but they are overdoing it.There are 7 new listings this week, andnot a bargain among them. What are thesellers thinking? 2005 ...

Bank Foreclosure - Opulent Biltmore Mansion

August 15th, 2012 at 3:36 am MST

Mansion Foreclosed by Lender Over 13,000 square feet of opulent interiorslocated on the Biltmore golf course. While it'snot Paradise Valley, it's close and is quite aspecial property. 1.3 acres with superb viewsof Camelback Mountain, a grand motor c ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 6 New Listings

August 13th, 2012 at 10:08 pm MST

Hello Friend,The August heat slowed us a bit, with only1 closing last week - at over $2.5 million. So,for the first time in quite a while we have anexpansion of inventory with 6 new listings.Sellers are feeling emboldened by this risingmarket with sh ...

Is the Rebound for Real?

August 8th, 2012 at 9:16 pm MST

Is the Real-Estate Rebound for Real? By JOE LIGHT For investors, "home" is no longer a four-letter word. The real-estate sector, for the first time in years, is serving as a beacon of relative strength in an otherwise weak economy. Standard & Poor' ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Inventory Shrinks, Housekeeping, and More

August 6th, 2012 at 10:07 pm MST

Good morning Friend,Last week, the largest closing in ParadiseValley happened to be one of your fellowreaders of this newsletter, a spectacular homein Judson which closed at $3,525,000. I'm proudto say that we negotiated a discount over$1 million fro ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Inventory Shrinks, Housekeeping, and More

July 30th, 2012 at 10:02 pm MST

Hi Friend,We saw Paradise Valley's housing inventoryshrink yet again last week with 7 sales closedand only 5 new listings to replace them. Aswith last week we had several homes snatchedup in record time, including one that sold firstday on market, an ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - BIG Activity This Week Despite July Heat

July 23rd, 2012 at 10:12 pm MST

Good morning Friend,The market threw a curveball this past week forthe normally slow July with 11 sales closed. Itappears the heat outside isn't overwhelming theheat of this market. And this is really interesting:a new build that hit the market 8 day ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 3 Sales and 4 New Listings

July 16th, 2012 at 10:06 pm MST

Hi Friend,A slow week in Paradise Valley, as expectedin July, with 3 closings and 4 new listings.However, there's a first this week. In the countlessemail newsletters I've sent out, I've never hada week where ALL the homes were noteworthypicks. We've ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 6 Sales and 6 New Listings

July 9th, 2012 at 10:14 pm MST

Good morning Friend,It's hot hot hot in Arizona and many ParadiseValley buyers are spending their summer in coolerclimates. So, as usual activity is slowing down.However, we did have 6 closings last week, and 6new listings to replace them. There are ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 14 Sales and 8 New Lisings

July 2nd, 2012 at 10:06 pm MST

Hi Friend,I spent this past weekend at a family reunion inVero Beach, Florida. It's a wonderful communityI've been visiting for decades, and while I wasthere I couldn't help notice that real estate was thebig story on the front page of the local pape ...