Subject: Investor Buys $100 Million of Homes Every Week

Investor Buys $100 Million of Homes Every Week

November 16th, 2012 at 9:57 pm MST

Blackstone group is now acquiring a staggering$100 million of single family homes every week.Below are their important and useful insights onthe US housing market.Regards, 442-7325*** Print Back to story ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 16 New Listings - 6 3/4 Acre Estate with Every Imaginable Amenity

November 12th, 2012 at 9:04 pm MST

Hi Friend,Foremost I'd like to honor the veteransamong my readership on this Veteran'sDay. In the words of Elmer Davis:"This nation will remain the land of the freeonly so long as it is the home of the brave."Thank you for your service.There was anot ...

Seller Financing May be Dead in 2013

November 9th, 2012 at 8:22 pm MST

Are you considering a purchase or sale using sellerfinancing? The Dodd-Frank Act is set to put cripplinglimitations as of January 21, 2013 -- that's just 2 1/2months away. Below is a summary from Combs LawGroup.The big problem is sellers will no long ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 18 New Listings - including 4 Bank Foreclosures

November 5th, 2012 at 9:17 pm MST

Hi Friend,Well it's off to the races this week, withthe highest number of new listings we haveseen all year. Also, there were less thanhalf as many closings last week as newlistings, so we have a nice bump in inventory --which we needed, it's been sl ...

Bank Foreclosure Alert - 2+ Acres on Doubletree

November 1st, 2012 at 10:37 pm MST

A second major bank foreclosurein PV in 2 days, astonishing giventhe tiny number of bank foreclosureswe've seen all year. Clearly thecoming of year end is influencingbanks to get these properties offtheir books now.5,959 Square Feet on 2+ AcresBuilt ...

Bank Foreclosure Alert - Paradise Valley 1.74 Acres

November 1st, 2012 at 3:35 am MST

Another bank foreclosure so soon,the banks must be clearing theirbooks for year's end.8,226 Square Feet on 1.74 AcresThis listing is so new they haven'teven added the photos. So, I'vecreated the detail report based onan expired listing. The asking pr ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - New Advanced Property Information

October 29th, 2012 at 10:30 pm MST

Good morning Friend,In my ongoing quest to make this newsletterthe very best source of information onParadise Valley real estate, I am proud toannounce a huge upgrade to the qualityand depth of information you can now receiveon any property you wish. ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - 6 Acre Estate, Hawaii in Arizona, and more

October 22nd, 2012 at 10:35 pm MST

Good morning Friend,Just a reminder in case you missed mybulletin this weekend: the 3.8% tax iscoming in January, regardless of whetherRomney or Obama win the election. So,if you have property with substantial equitybe it real estate, stocks, or a bu ...

Big News From Washington DC That Impacts Real Estate

October 20th, 2012 at 4:55 am MST

Hi Friend,There was some big news out of Washington DC this week:the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act that was set to expireon Dec 31 was extended by 1 year by the Senate. It stillhas to pass Congress, but if it does, then that means one more year of a ...

Paradise Valley MarketWatch - Huge Numbers This Week

October 15th, 2012 at 10:15 pm MST

Good morning Friend,There's quite a lot to report this week, soI will just get right down to business...Closings Last WeekSales were way up last week with 8 homesclosed for a total of $15.6 million in sales,up from the prior week's total of $4.5 mill ...