Subject: "Expanding Consciousness: Unveiling the Potential Within"

"Expanding Consciousness: Unveiling the Potential Within"

May 23rd, 2023 at 2:07 pm EDT

Hi Friend, I trust You're having a day that is fully reflective of the Love that is within and surrounding You always :). I've been communicating an amazing opportunity to up-level consciousness recently. Yet, I realize that the commonly accepted rea ...

"Expanding Consciousness: Unveiling the Potential Within"

May 21st, 2023 at 12:11 pm EDT

Happy SUN-day Beautiful Being! We have 2 pieces of GOODNESS for YOU today! Are you ready to experience life with a profound sense of purpose, heightened self-awareness, expanded perception and empathy, and a deep connection to your inner wisdom? If ...

🌟 Friend, Unleash Your Potential with Hyperspeed Mastermind and Cosmic Consciousness Catalyst! 🌟

May 19th, 2023 at 9:47 pm EDT

Hi Friend, It's been quite and expansive time in the warmer Carribean climates with the sunshine and lively vibrations. We shared lots of smile and wonderful times with Lovely new and long time friends and now that we're back ... We're thrilled to in ...

Friend, Unlock Your Cosmic Consciousness Today! Join the Catalyst

May 16th, 2023 at 9:03 am EDT

Hi Friend, Are you ready to experience life with a profound sense of purpose, heightened self-awareness, expanded perception and empathy, and a deep connection to your inner wisdom? If so, we have an extraordinary opportunity for you! Introducing the ...

Journey of Personal Growth: The Value of Cultural Integration and Global Travel

April 29th, 2023 at 12:32 am EDT

Dear Beautiful Soul, We just returned from the beautiful Spiritual Being Retreat in Bacalar, Mexico, an unforgettable experience. The Laguna de siete colores ( The Seven Coloured Lagoon)) and the good-hearted people we met there left a deep impressio ...

Friend, Unleash Your Radiance with Our Divine Expression Healing and Relationship Program

April 15th, 2023 at 12:21 pm EDT

Greetings Friend :), Are You ready to shine Your light bright and tap into Your true potential? Then You 'd be interested in Our Divine Expression Healing and Relationship Program, an essential part of THRIVE 365. Just like the sunshine on the shores ...

Links to the high vibes from today!

January 30th, 2023 at 12:35 pm EDT

Hi again!How's your day unfolding??? I wanted to pop in quickly to make it easy for you to find the links to today's awesome, high vibe, empowering content!!!! 1. Plug IN Power UP: 2. Miraculous, Manifesting Meaningful Mo ...

I get to channel for you twice today!

January 30th, 2023 at 7:33 am EDT

Hi beautiful, radiant One! Happy Monday! I LOVE Monday's these days....because I get to connect with you...share some high vibe energy, love and insights....and expand consciousness! And today....if you're following us on FB....I get to share light w ...

"Change and Our willingness to accept it"🤠...YeehawFriend ...

January 23rd, 2023 at 7:32 pm EDT

Hi [[fname]], Whether We go kicking and screaming or with a smile and Joy in Our hearts is very much up to Us, yet change is going to happen. In fact, in this very moment, as You're reading this, time is passing, Your mind is changing, and You're mak ...

Time is Your Friend :)

October 31st, 2022 at 1:12 pm EDT

Hello, Wonderful :), It's King Gabriel, and Tara and I have always valued having time to be with the Kids, and Family and We know that for Many it’s a challenge given the world’s conditions, so We really wanted to help in the way that We know bes ...