Subject: Day 4 of Thrive in 5! Today is allllll about emotional freedom!

Day 4 of Thrive in 5! Today is allllll about emotional freedom!

October 1st, 2020 at 11:24 am EDT

Hi Friend! Day 4 already! Wowzers! it amazes me how fast a Thrive in 5 week goes by! How are you feeling??? Feeling being the KEY word for today! Today we dive into EMOTIONS! And to how to create space and freedom re your emotions AND use them to d ...

Today we fill the VESSEL in Thrive in 5! Day 3!!

September 30th, 2020 at 10:10 am EDT

Hey Friend! Today we fill the VESSEL in the Thrive in 5 workshop!!!! Super excited to connect with you! Live at 12 pm EST - online in "I Rise and Thrive" Facebook Group! And if you haven't yet accessed ...

Day 2 of Thrive in 5 - Your Soul's Intention!

September 29th, 2020 at 11:25 am EDT

Hey Friend! How are you? Today is Day 2 of Thrive in 5 - Your Soul's Intention! We go live at 12 pm EST, online in "I Rise and Thrive" Facebook Group! If you haven't yet downloaded or accessed the wor ...

Today is the greatest, day there ever was!

September 28th, 2020 at 11:26 am EDT

Hi Friend! Woot-woot! Today is THE DAY! As we are getting ready, dressed, kids organized, content tuned in and music lined up....I keep singing random 80's "Today is the greatest day there ever was!" See you soon! 30 minutes (12 pm EST ...

Are you excited for tomorrow's Thrive in 5?!?!

September 27th, 2020 at 9:29 pm EDT

Hi Friend! How are you feeling?!?!? Hopefully nurtured from today and excited for tomorrow's THRIVE IN 5!!!!! Gabriel and I have been buzzing with light and energy all day! And we are super super SUPER EXCITED to connect with you tomorrow inside the ...

Yay!!! Thrive in 5 starts TODAY!

July 6th, 2020 at 11:50 am EDT

Hi Friend!!!Are you excited for Thrive in 5?!!!.....We are!!!!! WE start today at 1 pm EST! Live in the FB group "I Rise and Thrive"!!! It would be awesome if you attended live as we LOVE co-creating wit ...

We welcome YOU! Ascension Meditation for YOU!

November 20th, 2019 at 2:22 pm EDT

Hi Friend! We lovingly welcome YOU!!! It's a joy to connect :) All the details for the upcoming Thrive in 5 - Money Manifestation will be sent to you shortly! In the meantime....we have 2 loving gifts for you! The Ascension Meditation Class (exclus ...

Plug IN & Power Up Meditation!

October 25th, 2019 at 10:05 pm EDT

Hello beautiful! We have been missing you all from the Thrive in 5 series! Wow! Beautiful, high vibes, love and pure goodness all around!!!! I finally had a free moment yesterday to record the Plug IN Power UP Meditation that I mentioned in one of th ...

Your Thrive in 5 Workbook!!! (in case you missed it)

October 21st, 2019 at 4:39 pm EDT

Hi Friend I'm sending a quick email to case you missed the first. We want to make sure everyone has the notebook!!!! Keep in mind.....the replays and all content will be available in the group until Tuesday, October 22nd at midnight. ...

Your Thrive in 5 Workbook!!! (in case you missed it)

October 17th, 2019 at 6:15 pm EDT

Hi Friend I'm sending a quick email to case you missed the first. We want to make sure everyone has the notebook!!!! We go LIVE in the group on Facebook at 9 pm EST! We recommend that you do your best to attend live as we are doing an ...