Subject: Don't do this with your computerized telescope.

Don't do this with your computerized telescope.

September 8th, 2014 at 1:52 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Computerized telescopes are abundant today. Thanks to brilliant engineering. You just flip a switch, the telescope can even do a self alignment as in the case of the Meade 8" Lightswitch ACF ,or the Celestron SkyProdigy or Celestron St ...

Take a look at the Teapot, it's real bricky you know

September 6th, 2014 at 10:06 am EDT

Hello Friend, It's really bricky you know. Say Wot? The Teapot! Yes, to this day, I still like my teatime every day around 4pm. It's traditional in England, to have a cuppa in the afternoon around 4 to 5pm. Usually, with a Bourbon chocolate biscuit, ...

Don't miss out on these offers ending September 7th

September 5th, 2014 at 12:26 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Sometimes simple can be better. These two telescopes below fall into that category. There are no computers, no fancy gadgets. The first one, 90mm refractor makes a great gift for someone that you might want to introduce to the hobby of ...

More fun than Rob Ford at a weight watchers' convention

September 4th, 2014 at 7:46 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Sucker holes.The bain of amateur astronomers.Last night, they simply did not fool me for a moment.I watched them sitting on my deck and would grab my binoculars and take a peekat whatever I could see inbetween.Top it off, the Moon was wa ...

How to Observe Mars, Saturn & the Moon the lazy man's way

September 3rd, 2014 at 12:18 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Do you own a spotting scope? I know several people who do, but only consider them for use for the purpose of birdwatching, huntingor target practice or just for viewing objects on land. Rarely are they considered for astronomical use. O ...

Following my own advice, drove me bonkers.

September 2nd, 2014 at 9:59 am EDT

Hello Friend, I suffer from a mild form of OCD. (Obsessive, compulsive disorder is the technical term). That means, I tend to repeat statements more than once sometimes, especially when under stress. Usually I'm not aware when I'm doing it, but othe ...

It's easy as 1, 3, 2!

September 1st, 2014 at 1:12 pm EDT

It's As Easy As 132! Hello Friend, Nope. That's not a typo. Right now Celestron is excited to introduce a brand new "Easy as 132" imager sale featuring the Skyris 132 and NexImage Burst cameras. The Skyris 132 and NexImage Burst imagers feature the ...

Gosh, I forgot to tell you this earlier today

August 31st, 2014 at 3:21 pm EDT

Hello Friend, I should have mentioned this earlier, but today is your last chance to take advantage of thissale that ends today at 6pm. Hot diggity dog, my apologies. Clear Skies, Ray Khan Hot Summer Deals on Celestron Imaging! To kick things off ...

The Milky way shines brightly over Manitoulin Skies

August 31st, 2014 at 9:21 am EDT

Hello Friend, The Milky way usually shines brightly over Manitoulin skies. Not this weekend though. However, I did enjoy catching up with my old buddy, Dieter Ilg and a few other chumsat the Gordon's Park Star Party. If you want to read all about the ...

Make this observing mistake, and you'll suffer

August 30th, 2014 at 11:12 am EDT

Hello Friend, Recently, when I attended a star party, I had the pleasure of meeting several novices who had justgotten their first telescopes and were excited about learning how to use them. They wanted to know how to improve the views through their ...

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