Subject: Pluto is still a planet; Here's why

Pluto is still a planet; Here's why

July 5th, 2014 at 1:00 pm EDT

Hello Friend, In the name of Clyde Tombaugh, I am here to report to you that Pluto is still indeed a planet. But wait you say: The astronomical union (a fine bunch of folks I'm sure), saw fit in 2006 to remove the planetary statusascribed to Pluto d ...

It's the Meade Lightbridge Clear Sky Special

July 4th, 2014 at 3:46 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Just in time for those hot, clear summer nights... The Meade LightBridge Sale! From July 1 to August 15, you can save up to $300 on the popular Meade LightBridge Truss Tube Dobsonians. They may be named LightBridge but they are defi ...

The dangers of aperture fever and a solution

July 3rd, 2014 at 1:32 pm EDT

Hello Friend, Most amateur astronomers at one time or another suffer from the dreaded aperture fever disease. I'll never forget the first time I had a look through the Meade 16" Lightbridge Dobsonian several yearsago at a star party in southern Ontar ...

Summer imaging extravaganza begins today

July 2nd, 2014 at 6:06 pm EDT

Hot Summer Deals on Celestron Imaging! To kick things off BIG this summer, Celestron is launching the Celestron Summer Imaging Sale. Starting July 1st and running through August 31st 2014, you can save up to 10% on EdgeHD optical tube assemblies, ...

The future for Canadian Astronomy looks bright

July 1st, 2014 at 12:39 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Happy Canada Day!We are truly blessed to live in a nation that from East to West and the North and South, has so many naturalwonders.Along with that, we also have in this country, some of the most brilliant people, who work in the aerosp ...

Spotlight on Jim Hesser

June 30th, 2014 at 12:20 pm EDT

Hello Friend,And the lucky winner of the Celestron 130 Skyprodigy telescope is....Betty Hesser.Last night at the RASC Banquet, here in Victoria, BC I was very happy to announcethe winner of this wonderful Self aligning computerized scope , donated by ...

The Hidden LIfe of Galaxies

June 29th, 2014 at 12:57 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Imagine. The evolution of a galaxy is shaped by the evolution of it's black hole.That's one of the fascinating discoveries by Dr. Laura Ferrarese, who was the Helen Sawyer Hoggkeynote lecturer last night, at the RASC Annual Convention be ...

What happened to Bun E. Carlos? I knew you were wondering....

June 27th, 2014 at 10:50 am EDT

Hello Friend,When my 2 daughters were about 9 and 11, many years ago, I took them to see their very first rock concert.And it was with none other than the band, "Cheap Trick", with Lead guitarist Rick Nielsen, who wore a baseball cap, and a bow tie, ...

What discoveries could you make with a CCD imager?

June 25th, 2014 at 11:11 pm EDT

Hello Friend,Since the advent of reasonably priced CCD imagers, amateur astronomers have beenmaking record discoveries of many night sky objects.No one has found Planet X yet, but that won't discourage some.Imagine, an 11 year old discovering a Super ...

Observing Saturn? Baader offers a crack solution

June 24th, 2014 at 7:01 am EDT

Hello Friend, The Planet Saturn was the very night sky object that got me hooked into astronomy. Finding Saturn, with a small 60mm refractor and a wobbly tripod. The very fact that you can see it's rings, and it has such a 3 dimensional appearance t ...

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